Page 1 of Designs on You
Natalie Parker grabbed the housewarming gift from the back of her SUV, along with the enormous houseplant, juggling both as she made her way to her sister’s new house. As she barely made it to the front door without dropping both, she was utterly grateful she’d decided to get a sitter for her two kids. At seven, Cammie was inquisitive and already thought she was an adult, wanting in on every conversation. And four-year-old Christopher was constantly in motion and oh so exhausting.
She adored her children. She also needed a night off, and her sister’s housewarming party was exactly what she needed. A glass or two of wine, conversation of the adult variety, and she’d be happy to settle back into mommy mode again tomorrow.
Pressing the doorbell with her elbow, the only free appendage she had, she waited, listening to the sounds of barking and music and laughter and—oh, for God’s sake, someone answer the freakin’ door already before she dropped everything.
The door opened, and her sister, Hazel, beamed a smile at her. “Oh, Nat. I’m so glad you came. Let me help you with these. This plant is gorgeous. Is it for me?”
“It is,” she said as she followed Hazel inside, past a few people Natalie didn’t recognize. “You have that big window that faces south. The plant will go nicely there.”
Hazel laid the plant down on the floor in the eating area just outside the massive kitchen, and Natalie placed the gift on the island. “The plant is beautiful here. Thank you, Nat.”
“You’re welcome. Happy housewarming.”
“Thanks. We’re excited to finally be moved in. Thank you for helping with the décor.”
“Well, it could use some additional touches, but for now, it’s livable.”
Hazel laughed. “I’m sure you’ll continue to make suggestions.”
“Now that I’m back working again, I always have new ideas.”
“Good ones, too. Are Mom and Paul coming? I asked her, and all I got was a maybe.”
She shook her head. “Paul has a client dinner, and Mom told me she has a headache and she’s going to bed early.” She followed up that statement with a shrug. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine. It’s Mom and she’s weird.”
Natalie laughed at how matter-of-fact Hazel was about their mother’s quirkiness. “You are so right about that.”
While Hazel opened a bottle of wine, Natalie took a moment to look over the place. After months of house hunting and a lot of arguments, Hazel and her boyfriend, Linc, had finally settled on this twenty-eight-hundred-square-foot, two-story beauty. And the five acres was perfect for what they needed. Lots of trees and plenty of backyard space for all of Hazel’s dogs.
“It turned out beautiful, Hazel.”
“Thanks to you. And Linc, of course. It was worth living in a reno zone the past eight months. Good thing we set up a kitchen so we could at least eat amidst the mess.”
Nat wrinkled her nose. “I can’t even imagine, especially with all those dogs you have. You haven’t added more yet, have you?”
“Not yet. But now that the house is finished and the backyard is almost done, I’m ready to start fostering again. I know all the pups will be so excited.”
“Right. Like you need more than five dogs.”
Hazel laughed. “I won’t be keeping the ones I foster.”
“Uh-huh. That’s what you said about the five you have.”
Hazel shrugged. “Those are different. Gordon and Mitzi are seniors with health issues and Penny belongs to Linc. Lilith is hard to warm up to people and Freddie is…well, he’s just ours.”
“Right. What will you say about the next cuddly creature you’re supposed to find a home for? Decide that one is a keeper, too?”
Her lips curved. “I guess you’ll just have to trust that I’ve got this.”
Trust. Yeah, not one of the things she had in surplus right now. Not after what she’d been through with her ex. But then again, this wasn’t her life, so Hazel could do whatever she wanted. “Hey, if it makes you happy, you can have ten dogs.”
Hazel handed her a glass of wine. “You seem tense. Are things not going well?”
“Actually, things are fine. I’ve got the house to myself, and Sean is finally over having fits about the divorce, and the kids have adjusted, so it’s all just great.” She took a couple of long swallows of the wine, exactly what she needed.