Page 103 of Designs on You
Hazel sighed, then pulled over a charcuterie board for them to snack on. “I know that. He’s offered to set up a bank account for me in my name only so I never have to be afraid to be without money. But I just can’t, Nat. You know how important my independence is to me.”
“I do, honey. Of all people, I totally do. Giving up my career to stay home with the kids made me feel—I don’t know how to explain it. I mean, I don’t regret it at all, and I wanted to do it. And I loved being with my babies. But at the same time…”
Hazel gave her a sympathetic nod. “You feel as if you lost a part of yourself?”
“Yeah. Kind of. But now it’s all good, you know? I have the right balance that makes me happy. And that’s how I want you to feel.”
“That’s the thing, Nat. I do feel good. I almost feel guilty about having the life I do, all things considered. The past year has been nothing short of amazing. I’ve fallen in love with a man I couldn’t have dreamed up if all my dreams had come true. He’s kind and funny and sexy and good-looking and smart and he loves me. And he loves the dogs and he supports all my dreams, no matter what they are.”
“Yes, you got lucky in the love department for sure. But you know what, Hazel? You deserve to have everything you want.”
Hazel gave her a big smile. “Thank you. And so do you. So tell me about your hot weekend in Miami.”
“Oh. Well, we had so much fun.” She filled in her sister on everything they did. Well, almost everything.
“It’s good for you to get away, ya know. From kids and work and responsibilities. And let Sean take care of his own kids for a change.”
“Yeah, he wasn’t too happy about having to take extra time.”
“Oh, too bad. He owes you. An extra couple of days with his own children didn’t kill him, did it?”
She tried not to laugh, but instead picked up an olive and popped it in her mouth. After she washed it down with a swallow of wine, she said, “Apparently not. Cammie and Christopher even said they had fun with their dad. He took them to the park, to a movie, they had pizza night, even built a fort in the living room.”
“Shocker of all shocks. That sounds like fun parent things.”
“I know, right?” Natalie leaned forward. “Also, I think he might have a girlfriend.”
“Really? How do you know?”
“Cammie said something about her dad having a friend over. She said she was fun and laughed a lot and played in the fort with them. Cammie said she’s a teacher at their school but not in Cammie’s grade.”
“Hmm.” Hazel spread cheese on a cracker. “Interesting. Maybe that has something to do with him being more involved with the kids.”
Natalie lifted her shoulders. “It might. We’ll see.”
“I guess so.” Hazel took a bite of the cracker.
“And, you know, sis, you can have it all. If you want to continue working lighter hours at the restaurant so you can devote most of your time to the rescue, then do that. If they don’t go for it, then find a different restaurant to work at. That way you can continue to do all the things you want to do, and you’ll still be able to put your own money away.”
Hazel sat up straighter in her chair. “You know what? You’re right. I know exactly what I want and there’s nothing stopping me from getting it. I do want to continue cooking, but not full time because I want to mainly focus on fostering. So I will go back to the restaurant and tell them that while I appreciate their offer to go full time, I’m happier to work part-time. Then the ball will be in their court as to whether they keep me on or not.”
Natalie nodded. “There you go.”
“Problem resolved, sort of. At least in my head,” Hazel said with a laugh.
“Hey, having that resolution in mind is more than half the battle, isn’t it?”
“Yes.” Hazel reached out and squeezed Natalie’s hand. “Thanks, sis.”
“You know I’m always here for you. Just like you’ve always been there for me.”
They both slid off their stools and hugged.
“Love you,” Hazel said.
Natalie squeezed harder. “Ditto.” Now they had gotten Hazel’s issues resolved, Natalie could tell her sister everything that was on her mind about her relationship with Eugene.
“Is this a happy hug or did something bad happen?”