Page 118 of Designs on You
She turned around to see a deliciously naked Eugene leaning against the wall. “I’m getting dressed.”
“No, you’re not. We’re not finished.”
She needed to talk to him. About important things. Though at the moment he was naked and so was she, and she had to admit her brain was a bit sex addled.
Surely that important conversation could wait, couldn’t it?
She held out her hand. “Sofa again, or would you like to bend me over your outstanding kitchen island?”
He arched a brow and took her hand. “Lead the way into the kitchen.”
Eugene woke up to find an arm draped across his chest. He couldn’t help but smile at the feel of Natalie’s warm body pressed against his.
He slid out of bed to use the bathroom, then came back and climbed into bed and pulled her against him, nuzzling his face in her neck.
Last night he’d told her he loved her. She hadn’t said anything in return, which was fine. He had no expectations other than letting her know how he felt.
She wriggled against him and he got hard. Of course he did. He wrapped his arm around her, snaking his fingers down her body and between her legs, massaging her clit with slow, gentle movements until she began to writhe against him and make soft moaning sounds that made his balls quiver.
She came with a whimpered cry and a shudder. He continued to stroke her easily, then waited until she relaxed. He reached over and grabbed a condom, put it on, then slid inside of her, her body still quaking with the aftereffects of her orgasm. He reached up totease and stroke her nipples while he thrust inside of her, and when she came again, this time he went with her.
After, she got out of bed and went into the bathroom. He went into the guest bathroom, then came back and put on his shorts, let Grizelda outside, then made two cups of coffee, pouring cream into one of the cups for Natalie.
She came down the hall wearing one of his T-shirts—and apparently, nothing else.
He leaned against the counter, coffee cup in hand. “You trying to get me hard again?”
She smiled, then came over and picked up the other cup. “Thanks for making me coffee.” She took a sip, then sighed. “That’s good.”
“Feel like some breakfast?”
She paused as if she were about to say something else, then gave a quick nod. “Sure.”
He got out bacon and eggs and bread, along with fruit. Natalie came over and helped, and they fixed breakfast together. He could envision doing this on weekends, with the kids running around and Grizzie chasing them.
Kind of a perfect life, actually.
Once breakfast was finished, Natalie poured orange juice for them, and they sat at the island to eat.
“Party was good last night, wasn’t it?” he asked.
“Have you talked to your mom yet today? See how the kids were doing?”
“No. I’m sure they’re fine.”
“Okay.” Grizelda wanted back in the house, so he let her in and poured out dog food for her that he’d bought to keep at his house. He poured fresh water into her bowl, then slid back into his chair to continue eating.
“I bought the same dog food you have at your place.”
“Oh. That’s nice. Thanks.”
Obviously Natalie wasn’t interested in having conversation this morning, so they finished their meal in silence. When they were done, he took everything to the sink and piled it up, then went to take a shower. When he got out and went to the bedroom, he saw that Natalie had gotten dressed. He slipped into boxer briefs and clean shorts, then pulled on a sleeveless shirt.
“I used some of your toothpaste to brush my teeth,” she said, using an elastic tie to put her hair in a ponytail. She went downstairs, so he followed her down there.