Page 27 of Designs on You
Linc didn’t even look up. “Wasn’t talking about the job, though it’s good that’s going well. I was asking about you and Natalie.”
“Nothing much to report there. We had one date.”
“And, I’m taking things slow with her.”
Now Linc stood, wiping his hands as he regarded Eugene. “Why?”
“Why am I taking things slow?”
Eugene shrugged. “Because it’s Natalie, and she’s just stepping back into dating. I don’t want to rush her.”
Linc pondered what he said, then nodded. “That’s thoughtful. I hope you two have fun together.”
He liked that Linc didn’t pressure him for details. One, because he didn’t have any, and, two, because he wasn’t about to give any. He liked Natalie. They’d had fun together the other night. He also knew she had a lot of responsibilities, and he didn’t want to push her too hard too fast. Though holding back from kissing her had been damn difficult.
She’d been such a good sport about his choice of venue for their first date. He’d have to take her someplace really nice next time.
“Wanna go and have some lunch?” he asked his brother.
Linc swiped some sweat from his brow. “That sounds like a great idea. Let me wash up and I’ll be ready to go.”
They ended up at a bar that also served food, which suited both of them just fine.
They each ordered a beer and a burger.
“You’re moving along pretty fast on the house,” Eugene said after taking a long swallow of his beer.
“It’s easy when I have people to help me. And the house is in great shape. It’s mostly cosmetic stuff.”
“I’m glad to hear that. How long do you think it’ll take to finish?”
Linc thought for a minute before answering. “Probably six to eight weeks—maybe a couple more depending on material delivery.”
“Not bad. I’m looking forward to having a home office I can really dig into.”
“You seem to really like what you’re doing.”
Eugene leaned back in his chair. “Yeah, it’s kind of surprised me how much.”
“Really? Why? Isn’t it what you wanted?”
“The job was too good to pass up, for sure. But was it my dream to be able to design a theme park ride? No. Never. I’m a game designer.”
Linc nodded and took a swig of his beer. “But then the opportunity of a lifetime came up. I know you. You’d never pass up the chance to do something you’ve never done before. Still, I thought you had talked about starting your own company. What happened to that?”
Eugene shrugged. “I thought about it, and that could still happen somewhere down the road. But the more I learn now, the more I can put into a business of my own, right?”
Linc sighed. “You’re right, of course. It’s less risk at this point, and you’re developing knowledge you wouldn’t be able to have on your own. Not this quickly, anyway. It’s a smart move, Eugene.”
He was used to arguing with his brother, not being patted on the back. This was new. “Thanks.”
His phone buzzed. He pulled it out, smiling when he saw a text from Natalie.
Birthday party for Christopher this weekend. Do you want to come?