Page 6 of Designs on You
Hazel came in and handed beers to Linc and to Eugene. “That’s awesome, babe.”
“Yeah…babe.” Eugene smirked and took a swallow of his beer. “Perfect timing, too, because I think I found a house.”
“Really?” Hazel asked. “When?”
“Toured the house today. I think it might be the one.”
“That’s great,” Linc said. “Where is it?”
Linc gave them the address and Natalie coughed.
“That’s like a block over from where Nat lives,” Hazel said. “How cool is that?”
“Just so cool.” Natalie tried to smile, but she was certain it came out like a grimace. That was all she needed was Eugene dropping by to…well, she didn’t actually know why he would want to come to her house. It was probably all in her imagination because the two of them had nothing—
“Yeah?” He looked over at Natalie, his expression revealing nothing. “So, we’ll be neighbors. I can come over and borrow sugar. Or something.”
She resisted rolling her eyes. “Uh-huh.”
He gave her a lopsided grin, then turned his attention over to Linc. “Anyway, it needs some renovations. And serious design work.”
“The reno I can do,” Linc said, then motioned with his head over to Natalie. “Nat’s who you need for help with the design stuff.”
Oh no. She absolutely would not, could not, get involved with Eugene in that way. Or any way.
“Oh, Nat, how much fun would that be?” Hazel asked.
“Uh…” Not one who was ever at a loss for words, Natalie found herself unable to answer Hazel’s question. Because the idea of working with Eugene did not seem fun at all.
“Can you both come by the house and take a look at it? I wouldn’t want to put an offer on it until you look at it, Linc. And it definitely needs to be modernized, design-wise. I’d really like your opinion, Natalie.”
She couldn’t very well say no to that since it was her job.
Linc nodded. “Tell me your schedule and we’ll make it happen.”
Linc and Eugene settled on tomorrow morning.
“I have a client meeting then,” Natalie said. “I can do late afternoon.”
“I’m meeting with the real estate agent then, so that won’t work for me,” Linc said.
“That’s okay,” Eugene said. “I’ll free up my day and make both happen.”
“Awesome.” Hazel got up. “Let me get the shrimp ready and then we can eat.”
“I’m excited for you, bruh,” Linc said. “Buying a house is a big step. I know you’ve looked around a lot.”
“Yeah. I’m relieved to have found one that’ll work for me.” He looked over at Linc, then at Natalie. “Thanks to both of you for agreeing to help me out.”
Natalie hadn’t agreed to anything yet, but she couldn’t help but note the sincerity in his voice. “It’s my job, so I’m happy to see if I can assist you.”
Again, that smile of his. Enigmatic. Sexy as hell.
Was she reading signals wrong? That was entirely possible. She’d been out of the game a long time. For all she knew, he was simply being friendly, and she didn’t have a clue.
She’d look at his house, and if it was something that required her expertise, she’d do her job.
But that was all she’d do.