Page 65 of Designs on You
“At the risk of my kids’ hearts?” She shook her head. “No, I don’t think so.”
Hazel laid her hand on Natalie’s arm. “I know you’re afraid, but—”
“Of course I’m afraid. For them. It’s my job to protect them.”
“Natalie, they’re fine. They’re going to be fine. Kids are resilient. And, another thing. What happens if things work out between you and Eugene? Wouldn’t that be awesome?”
“I can’t count on that. Besides, I’m not looking for a relationship. Just me and the kids is all I need.”
“Okay. I agree that is all you need. But what about what you want?”
It was a valid question. What did she want?
“I want to be happy. Which means if my kids are happy, then I am, too.”
“Look, sis, I get that Camryn and Christopher take priority in your life—at least for now. That’s admirable. But you know what? If you’re good, then they are, too. You know what I mean?”
“To a certain extent I agree with you. And I am content. I’m living life on my own terms.”
Hazel grimaced. “That sounds less than ecstatic.”
Natalie had to laugh. “Okay, so I made it sound like I was flat and miserable. That’s not the case at all. Granted, when I was married to Sean I wasn’t happy, wasn’t doing what fulfilled me. Don’t get me wrong, I love being a mom. Raising those babies satisfies me in ways I never thought possible. But I’m also okay being single. Alone and single, you know?”
“I do know. But that doesn’t mean you have to stay in the house andbealone. Do you know what I mean?”
Hazel squeezed her hand. “So quit thinking so far ahead. Just enjoy what you have right now, honey. Eugene is good to you and you have fun with him, right?”
“Then have some fun and quit worrying about what happenstomorrow. You’re fine and the kids are fine. And they’ll continue to be. Okay?”
She nodded. “Okay.”
They went down and joined the guys and the kids, who were much more interested in the ducks frolicking than in anything else they’d done so far today.
Go figure.
But they also got bored after a while and asked if they could go do some more rides, so they headed out, with the kids hanging all over Linc after he’d told them a string of seriously corny dad jokes.
“See?” Hazel said as they walked behind the guys and kids. “The kids like everyone. It’s not just Eugene.”
Hazel was right. She’d overreacted, which had probably been due to her growing feelings for Eugene.
She needed to chill and just have fun. And let things between Eugene and her cool a little.
Things between them had been intense. Everything had happened so fast. If she could calm down and just have fun with him, take it all at a slower pace, it would all be fine.
She could definitely do that.
Have you ever been to New York?
Eugene sent the text and waited. He went back to work on the ride design, trying to figure out how to get around a particular problem his team hadn’t been able to work out. After about an hour with no resolution, his phone rang. Seeing it was Natalie, he punched the button.