Page 6 of PS: I Hate You
I didn’t realize she was in the room, but I should’ve known.
Of course Dom’s wife would be here.
Dominic and Rosaline Perry. The picture-perfect couple, and Josh’s two best friends.
Another time, I would fall into a painful spiral of comparing myself to the gorgeous woman Dom chose over me. But today I have something more important to focus on.
My letter.
Give me my letter.
“There’s only one more,” Dom murmurs, and I can’t help an evil smirk.
Mr.Responsible Asshole got to execute the will but didn’t warrant a bonus note.
Who does Josh love the most now, huh?I bite my lip to stifle the taunt, wanting to keep from revealing the bitchy zombie in my soul to the Perry family members I like.
Dom pulls out the thickest so far, one of those legal-sized envelopes that need an extra metal clasp to keep the flap shut.
“Hand it over.” I reach for the parcel, rabid for whatever bit of Josh is contained within.
“It’s not yours.” Dom stares at the final parcel, his thick brows scrunching.
“What?” My single-word question spears through the room, sharp and cold as an icicle flung like a dagger. Everyone pauses in the act of tearing open their envelopes.
I couldn’t have heard him right.
No. No no no.
Josh loved playing games, but never cruel ones. My brother wouldn’t leave last words for everyone but me.
Dom’s eyes meet mine, his gone wide with a surprise he rarely allows on his stoic face.
What could have rattled Mr.Responsible Asshole?
“It’s ours,” he says.
Dom turns the envelope to show the devastatingly familiar penmanship. Josh wrote those letters with his own hand. He might as well have been writing a horror novel once I comprehend what the thick Sharpie scrawl says.
Maddie & Dom
He turned me into a combo deal? What am I, a side of French fries to Dominic’s burger?
I stalk across the room, eyes adhered to the two names, side by side, that have never and will never belong together.
Maddie & Dom
Me and Mr.Responsible Asshole.
My mother and grandmother got separate messages. The twins got their own envelopes. Even Dom’s wife warranted her own individual letter. And sure, I know Josh was friends with Rosaline, too, but come on.
They’rethe married couple.
I’m his goddamn sister.