Page 78 of PS: I Hate You
I laugh so hard I roll off my couch, fall to the floor, and curl in the fetal position as my body shakes with giggles. The cackles are never-ending, so I grab my phone, swipe to start a voice message, and let Dom hear exactly what I think of my brother’s choice.
Mr.Responsible Asshole:Glad I could amuse you.
Once the chuckles finally trail off and I wipe the tears of hilarity from the corners of my eyes, I decide not to let myself worry about giving Dom my number. As I said before, I can always block him.
This can be a good thing, I decide. The first true step in becoming friends. I can practice conversing with Dom on a regular basis without the distraction of his handsome face and all the memories attached to it. With the delay between typing new messages, I can apply a filter to my words. I can take a moment to rein in the harsher comments I’ve been throwing at him that he doesn’t deserve.
Maybe this couldwork.
I text Dom sometimes.
Usually when I think of Josh. Because when I think of my brother, my mind now turns to the friend he left behind for me to take care of.
Maddie:I saw a dog peeing on a very stern-looking tree and it reminded me of you
Dom:I don’t like the associations your brain makes.
Dom:How does a tree look stern?
Maddie:It’s just a vibe
Maddie:Trees have vibes
Maddie:And this one positively LOOMS over the sidewalk
Maddie:Classic Dom move
Dom:What you call looming, I call standing and being tall.
Maddie:I’m just warning you
Maddie:Dom = tree vibes
Maddie:It’s a matter of time before you get peed on again!
Dom:You’re ridiculous. I have a meeting.
Maddie:I’m going to send you a picture of the tree
Maddie:It’s happening
The exchange makes my always-pleasant-at-work smile easier to wear for the rest of the day. Especially when I check my phone a few hours later and see another notification from him.
Dom:Apparently, it’s not happening. I’ve yet to receive a single tree picture.
Maddie:I didn’t know you wanted it RIGHT NOW
Dom:I don’t want it.
Dom:But you said you were going to send it.