Page 82 of PS: I Hate You
Dom:I’m stuck in traffic. Can you wait for me?
I mark my page in the book I’ve been reading in between Adam and Carter’s events and tuck it into my bag. Then I pull up the map app on my phone and do the math of travel time plus dropping off my rental car and getting through security. Really, I should already be on the road. I send a quick goodbye and good luck text to the twins, then respond to Dom.
Maddie:I’m sorry. I’ve got to get to the airport
Maddie:The twins will be happy to see you!
Maddie:I mean not so happy that they’ll rip their pants off for you
Maddie:That was just for me
Maddie:But I’m sure they’ll give you a hug or something
Dom:What does that mean?
Dom:The thing about the pants?
Dom:Why were my brothers taking their pants off for you?
Dom:Traffic is moving
Maddie:It was only Adam
Maddie:I’ve really got to go
Maddie:I’ll see you in a few months!
I make it to my gate just in time.
See? If I hung around longer, I would’ve missed it.
As I settle into my aisle seat—I always choose bathroom access over window view—I consider what missing my flight would have meant. Rescheduling, obviously. Would have probably had to stayovernight in New York, or maybe in Philly. Do Adam and Carter have an extra bed at their place? If they do, it’s probably a gross college-boy futon. Booking a hotel room would’ve been a more sanitary option.
I would’ve had a whole evening with the Perry boys. That’s never happened before. Just the three of them and me.
Would Dom have stayed the night, too? Maybe shared a hotel room with me?
An empty dip in my stomach that feels an awful lot like regret has me wishing I was still in a chlorine-scented room instead of listening to a flight safety speech about how my seat is a flotation device.
When I step off my cross-country flight, bleary-eyed and in need of my bed, I turn off airplane mode on my phone to see a few texts from the Perrys.
Carter:Thanks for coming, it was cool having you cheer us on like old times
Adam:Maddie!!!!! I won all of my races for you!!! You’re good luck!!!
Dom:I wish you’d told me you were coming
Dom:Text me when you get home safe
Once I’ve settled in the back seat of my rideshare, I send the twins a kissy face emoji.
But for Dom I wake myself up enough to type out a message.
Maddie:Safe in Seattle
Maddie:Sorry I missed you buddy
Dom:Are you home?