Page 44 of Tangled in Knots
“I need to raise her leg, Madam,” Iona says once she’s able to reach what she can.
Nodding, I untie one of the girl’s legs, yanking it up and pushing down tightly to both expose her pussy to Iona and keep her from possibly kicking.
“Thank you.”
The entire process takes forty-five minutes, and then Iona finishes up by doing under the girl’s arms and her eyebrows. There was a lot of hair to dispose of. The omega is now almost show ready. I ignore the tears staining her cheeks from pain and humiliation of being manhandled, knowing this is just the beginning for her.
Too bad, so sad.
Untying her completely, Iona and I yank her onto her feet, leaving Morris to catch her when she wavers and toss her over his shoulder to carry her.
“Easier this way,” he grunts when I raise my brow at him. “She hasn’t eaten since yesterday morning, so the low blood sugar is going to begin settling in.”
“Fair,” I state with a nod. “Let’s move to the next place.”
“So much prepping,” he says mildly as he turns to allow me through the small space. The beta is very large, and this room doesn’t usually have to accommodate people other than the waxer and I.
“A necessary evil of an auction house,” I tell him, squeezing past him to go to a hair and makeup station. Her hair has been allowed to air dry, and now I need to get it styled. “Buyers want the fantasy, and that’s what I deliver. Her body appears child-like for those who enjoy that aesthetic, but her breasts and wet pussy will remind people that she’s not a child.”
“What if she’s not wet?” he asks curiously, following me through the building.
This section is where all the behind the scenes shit happens, and I am running behind in my preparation. Morris and my alphas will be in charge of the main event once they get on stage to keep the buyers bidding.
There are times where I’m in charge of training omegas for their future buyers, which is dirty and depraved work. I charge a lot for this service, and find I don’t enjoy it. I’m not always in charge of the things I have to agree to, a slave to the system as much as others sometimes.
“I have pills for both energy, slick, and arousal,” I explain absently. “She’ll crave your touch and knots. I had it developed as a cross between the street drug ecstasy and rohypnol for omegas. The omegas who are put on display to forcibly drive up their price are rarely willing, until I work my magic. I’ll also giveher a pill to perk her up a bit, and food will be the last thing she’ll be interested in. Can I count on you to make her take it like a good girl?”
I’m not worried about her hearing me while she’s upside down, since I bet all she can hear is the rushing of blood in her ears. It’s an effective way to maintain privacy that I’m sure the beta didn’t even think about.
“Yes, ma’am,” he murmurs without question.
I like him. I wonder if Rock will give him to me for a kind of extended loan. Is he attached to him?
I couldn’t care less what his pack would think, since they do whatever Rock says.
Lost in my head, I open the door to the makeup room where Morris deposits the omega and helps me tie her legs, arms, and neck, so she’s unable to move very much. Iona steps in behind us and does the omega’s hair and makeup. I can smell the scent of burned cookies, a clear sign that she’s unhappy. Iona is a beta, a much easier person to control.
Or rather, it’s easier for me to breed control into them and they fight me less.
The girl’s hair is styled in wavy curls that will be easy on both the eyes and to wrap around fists, and then Iona gives her a wide eyed, fresh faced, innocent look. Playing up her youth is going to go over very well with this crowd.
I’ve gone over this list several times with Rock, and they all work in the criminal underbelly of the surrounding areas, or they’re crooked businessmen who have bought with me before. I’ve vetted them all, and they’re going to fully enjoy watching how the omega takes a knot.
“I’m going to need you to wear a knot ring,” I say to Morris who is dispassionately watching Iona work. “Will that be a problem?”
“Not a problem at all,” he grunts.
Good boy.
It’s time for the omega to go on stage, the auctions before her already ending without a hitch. I haven’t heard a word from Rock, though he’d have to find me in order to give them to me.
My phone has shitty service inside the building.
“It’s just about showtime,” I murmur, pulling the bindings open from the omega’s arms, legs, and neck.
While I sometimes fit a sex slave collar to an omega’s neck before she goes out to be auctioned, that is not going to fit the aesthetic I’m going for. Morris helps her onto her feet, and the omega manages to walk alongside us.
Two alphas meet us as we arrive in the holding room before the auction stage, naked outside of a pair of basketball shorts.