Page 46 of Tangled in Knots
I don’t know what to expect today, and I haven’t seen the buyers Jed has been in contact with to purchase Adira either. Morris, Jed, and I are the only ones who know who they are. All my baby brother has is a damn word that we have a plan in place to ensure Adira’s not bought by just anyone.
Fuck, so much could go wrong.
Either way, none of us can save the little rabbit from what’s about to happen next.
Glancing at Demon, I frown as Jed cups his hand around his ear and whispers furiously. Coming closer, I insert myself into the situation. Everyone is too riled up about the last three lots sold to pay attention to me as they wait for Adira to come out.
“What the fuck is happening?” I ask in a low growl. “You’re whispering is going to attract attention.”
“No, he’s the one who is attracting attention,” Jed sighs, leaning back from how close he is to Demon.
My youngest brother is twitchy, his chest almost heaving with anxiety and worry. For someone who is typically a void and emotionless, this is a problem.
“I’m as locked down as possible,” Demon growls. “There’s a ball of fire inside of me coming from her, and I’m terrified about what it means. It feels as if she could be in heat, but that’s not possible. Is something being done to her to mimic it?”
“My drug supply store was the same one a certain madam uses,” Jed reveals. “When you were eighteen…O didn’t make her own shit in house. She had a supplier.”
O is Ophelia, a code we use when there are too many ears around us. I always wondered how he had pills to mimic a rut back then. I was barely twenty-years-old, watching my baby brother forced to fuck a random whore as his first time. It’s just how these things are done in a mafia family, though it doesn’t make it right.
He hasn’t been the same since, and this is pulling a lot of old and terrible memories that he’s tried to put to bed.
“O mentioned that she would be using a cocktail of pills for the little rabbit,” I mutter. “It’s almost time for her to be brought out. Demon, I know that you don’t want to take anything that will make you lose control, but this is going to be really bad.”
“They will force her to do whatever they want,” Jed says. “She may act as if she’s gagging for it, but this will be rape. I can’t candy coat this, brother.”
Scowling, Demon holds out his hand for the pill.
“What will this do?” he asks.
“You’ll feel whatever she sends you, but your face won’t show any of it. You’ll appear cold and unfeeling. It’s a muscle relaxer and an attitude adjustment in a pill,” Jed sighs, placing it in Demon’s big hand.
“Fucking great. It would be great if I could just forget, be so high out of my mind that I won’t remember this later. I want to feel numb on the inside too,” Demon mutters, surprising me.
He’s always despised losing control, messy emotions, and omegas. Now his life is tipped on end and I don’t recognize this version of him.
“When this is all over,” Jed says mysteriously, “she’ll still remember and it would be wrong for us not to. We need you to keep your shit together, so that we can help her pick up the pieces afterward.”
“How do I know there will be the opportunity for us to be with her after?” Demon asks quietly just as people begin to roar in excitement.
Grabbing his hand, I shove it at his mouth, glaring. I need less talking and more fucking action. Eyes slitted at me, Demon swallows the pill dry as he waits for Jed’s response.
“I never promise what I can’t give,” Jed says with a shrug. “I believe the odds are stacked in our favor for her to be returned to us. Keep your mouth shut and believe in me.”
Taking a deep breath, Demon turns his head back to the stage, his body becoming more and more relaxed, and all the emotion in his gaze is gone. He is the demon once again.
As I watch the little omega get manhandled onto the stage, I ask myself if I’m going to regret all of this. All I can do is as my older brother suggests and believe it’ll all shake out in our favor.
Come on, little rabbit. We’re right fucking here.
“It’s time!” Rock crows, coming back to my side. “Look at how gorgeous those tits are. The crowd is going to go wild for her.”
I’m standing toward the front of the room with my brothers and father. The spotlights have to be bright and hot up there, and will keep them from seeing us easily. Morris’ strong, lithebody stalks behind the little rabbit, his cock heavy and thick as it bobs in front of him.
I can see the fake knot at the base of his dick, making my lips drop open in surprise.
It figures that Ophelia would want three men with knots up on stage for the buyers to watch the little rabbit’s pussy stretch. A surge of possessiveness surges over me, though my face looks excited to watch. My brothers and I are putting on our own show now, and no matter what, we can’t fuck up the parts we are playing.
Forcing in an even breath, I watch as the alphas force Adira to lay on the leather bench, while she writhes and bucks against them. Whatever Ophelia gave her is making her aggressive, and the room is being pumped full of her pheromones. My nostrils flare as I inhale, the scent of snickerdoodle and frosting making my dick hard.