Page 6 of Tangled in Knots
“Oooh, little omega, do we have a treat for you!” Kane crows. “The Jefferson City Auction House has only the finest omegas for the richest alphas. It's a bit of a drive, so we’ll have lots of time to get to know each other. Daddy dearest owes us a shit ton of money, and it appears you’re his only asset left in the world.”
“You blew up my house, asshole,” Adira screams at him. “How the fuck do you expect a dead man to pay you when you kill him then blow up everything he owned? Except me. No one owns me.”
I can feel darkness and danger, because my pack and I are both. I don’t much care if she hates us for it.
Adira bursts from behind my seat like a demon, my very own namesake. Her hands are untied, but the rope is tightly wrapped in her wrists and hands like a makeshift garrote as she throws her arms around Kane’s throat and pulls.
She's tiny enough that this wouldn’t be an issue, but she also drops her weight as she lifts her feet from the ground, dangling off his neck like a monkey.
Kane grunts as his fingers drop his dagger into his lap, a crazy smile gracing his lips. The entire car smells like warm snickerdoodle cookies, cedar, and strawberries. Jed just smells like burned leather as he turns, eyes wide.
“What the fuck? Kane, stop playing with her,” he barks. “Omega, let go!”
Again, she not only refuses to obey, she puts her feet on the back of the seat and pulls backward.
Kane gurgles, but it sounds like a laugh, making me roll my eyes. Crazy, fucking Adira. She doesn’t understand that this is practically foreplay for my brother.
“The snow is starting to fall, stop fucking around,” Morris warns. Glancing outside, I can see that there’s white quickly falling all around us. There’s a lot of things I’m missing, and Iblame the cursed omega trying her best to remove my brother’s head from his shoulders.
By the noises he’s making and how red he is, I think she may just be tickling him. Kane gets off on pain and asphyxiation. I think he may bust a nut soon.
Strawberries and cream are one of my favorite desserts, but not because my brother had an orgasm.
“Adira,” I say, turning to the girl behind me.Mistake, mistake, so many mistakes.
Shiny chestnut hair tumbles down her back.I bet she’d taste like sugar and baked treats.
Midnight-blue eyes are wider than they should be, the pupil appearing to take over most of her eye. There’s panic in her gaze as it flits between my brother and I, as well as something I don't recognize.
Sweat beads at her forehead even though it’s colder than a witch’s tit in the trunk, and her arms tremble from the strain of holding the rope so tightly.
Everything about her is so breakable. The auctions are going to eat her up and spit her back out.
Not my problem.
“Little busy here,” she gasps, struggling to hold onto the rope. Kane never once touches the dagger, but he does palm his giant erection. Crazy fucker.
I can’t say much as I turn, hissing as my cock is introduced to zipper burn. I never bother with boxers, but it’s never been an issue when I’m rarely aroused. The only reason I’m not a virgin is because Dad took me to a whore house when I was eighteen for my birthday.
He stood there as he watched me fuck a beta. Did I want to? No. Jed slipped me a pill that would make me a rutting, fucking machine, and I almost split the beta in half. I hate losing control, so I swore I would never fuck an omega.
It turned me off sex entirely.
Adira looks really tempting though.
“Could you fucking stop her,” Jed sighs. “Kane is starting to turn purple.”
“He’s going to cum first,” I say wryly. “Adira, my brother gets off on pain.”
Caught already, Kane releases his huge cock. There’s a glint of new jewelry around the crown of the tip of his dick, surprising me. I haven’t seen my brother without his pants on in years.
Palming it, he starts to stroke it, the sweet scent of strawberry bursting into the air.
“Too many scents,” Adira wails. “This can’t be happening, just let me go. I’ll never say anything, but I can’t pay you. Everything I have in the world… is gone.”
The last is said as a grunt as she hooks her elbows behind the seat, pulling harder. “Hand off your dick.”
While Kane’s head snaps back against the headrest, his hand continues to tug the piercing and the head of his cock.