Page 63 of Tangled in Knots
My feet feel heavy as I walk, and I am beginning to feel anger instead of the numbness that I felt from Adira.
“Ah, guys?” I say as we stop in front of the front door. “We have a really pissed off omega on the other side of that door. Figured I’d give you a bit of a heads up.”
“I don’t blame her,” Morris grunts and Jed nods. Kane merely twists his lips in agreement.
Time to face the music. I may not have known what was happening while it was going on, but I’m an accomplice just the same. I went to her house, helped my brothers fuck with her, while chasing her, and kidnapped her. I put her in my father’s path.
Ringing the doorbell, I wait outside with my pack. Though it may be the middle of the night, I know the occupants of this house are awake. Any servants here aren’t going to notice the doorbell, fast asleep in their beds.
Callum looks very awake as he opens the door, his brown hair sticking out every which way. It appears it’s been stressful having Adira here.
“You better fucking know what you’re doing,” he growls as he stands in the doorway. “She’s one wrong move from losing her shit. Please tell me you know that tonight was fucked up.”
“I know it,” Morris rumbles. His voice is still raspy from exertion and raw emotion. “What I had to do on that stage is going to haunt me.”
“It should!” Callum yells. His chest is heaving, and I sit in witness as I watch him stand up for the little omega. She has a way of endearing herself to you, even when you know nothing else about her.
“It’s going to fucking follow me, and all I did was watch. She’s being really fucking strong, but Duncan and I keep pulling her back when the demons get too strong in her head.”
“Are you going to let us in?” Jed asks stoically. He has nothing else to say, because Callum is right on all accounts. No amount of talking or words will fix this.
“Yeah,” he mutters, stepping back to allow us entry. “I didn’t know her shoe size, so I couldn’t buy her shoes, but she’s wearing warm clothes.”
“Thank you,” I murmur. I didn’t know about any of this beforehand, but I’m working through the logistics now. No communication between us and the Kelly brothers meant that they did the best they could with the information they had.
“I didn’t do it for you,” he grunts, leaving us to close the door behind us.
Sighing, we follow him through the large house to the kitchen, finding Adira sitting at the island.
“Adira,” I rasp, while she narrows her eyes at me. I can feel a twisting pain running through my stomach before I gasp and fall to my knees.
“I can’t do anything to them, so you’re going to get the brunt of my wrath,” she says. “I don’t want to go with you. I don’t care if it means I have the worst heat of my life in a week. I don’t trust any of you.”
“Adira,” Jed growls. “He really had no idea. We kept him completely in the dark, because of your connection.”
“I’ve been drugged out of my mind for three weeks,” she grunts. “The drugs mess with the connections. All I could feel was darkness.”
“I’m sorry,” Morris rasps. “This was the only way short of being on the run with you for the rest of our short lives. You don’t think Rock wouldn’t have killed us if we didn’t do what he asked?”
“He’s not a God, regardless of what he makes people want to believe,” she says. “You all played into his hands.”
“He moved up the auction earlier than planned,” Kane begins. “Little rabbit, we have a plan to make this a non-issue.”
“Fuck your plan!” Adira screams, making us all flinch as if she’d shot us. “Where were your goddamn plans before this? Now I’m broken and —”
“You’re not broken,” I rasp, my hands hitting the tiled ground with a pained grunt. Fuck, it feels as if she’s rearranging my guts. Damn, baby.
“Adira. Come here.”
“No,” she mutters, crossing her arms over her chest. “Fucking sit in the pain. It won’t kill you.”
Duncan’s lips twitch as he watches, both brothers clearly enjoying themselves as they watch Adira yell at us.
“You’re punishing the wrong person, little omega,” Jed says gently. “Do you want to be that kind of person?”
Adira’s lips tremble before she shakes her head. I would gladly suffer whatever she wants to put me through, because I still feel responsible. Sliding down off her chair, she steps closer to us.
“There’s a lot of things I want,” she growls, releasing me from the pain I’m in. Gasping, I sit heavily on the ground, gazing up at her as she walks toward me. “If I had a handful of shit and a handful of wishes, the shit would still outweigh it.”