Page 81 of Tangled in Knots
“Always so nice to see you too!” she yells back, letting the door close behind him. “You’re hired, want to go to lunch with me?”
“I’m what?” I ask, slack jawed.
Aisling shrugs as she steps down to join me.
“I figured that if I surprised him, he wouldn’t be able to say no,” she says as I gape at her. “Caleb has a thing for helping people, even if he’ll growl about it. He gave me a job when I was down and out.”
“He didn’t know we were coming, did he?” I ask. “Aisling!”
“Good, I’m glad to see you can yell,” she says with a giggle. “We’ll have you stomping and throwing a fit in no time. Come on, we’re walking up the street for lunch.”
I think lunch has come and gone, but I follow her with a sigh.
“I can’t believe I have a job,” I mutter. “He doesn’t even know if I can do it.”
“I had no experience when I started, and he didn’t care about that or my age,” she says. “Caleb doesn’t play by the rules or law. You’ll be safe there. I asked Cere about it, and she was game, but her club gets really busy.”
Thinking about all the people, I shiver for reasons that have nothing to do with the cold.
“Exactly,” Aisling says with a nod. I’m realizing that she’s perfectly fine reading between the lines and it helps make me more comfortable around her. It’s nice not to have to explain every little thing.
“Where are we going for lunch?” I ask. I don’t love accepting handouts, but if I’m working, I can return the favor soon.
“Caleb’s brother owns a coffee shop up the street, and they have really good soup and sandwiches. Hoping something tempts you,” she says with a smile.
Taking a deep breath, I nod, deciding that it’s good practice for me to get used to being around people. I can’t flinch every time someone is near. Exposure is going to be the best way to deal.
Brewed Awakeningshas a light crowd as we walk in, and Aisling seems comfortable as we wait in line.
“I worked both here and the bar at one point,” she explains. “It was exhausting, but it helped get me off the street. No one should have to work that hard. I was terrified of not having enough money for whatever reason. The brothers were both great to work for.”
A large alpha moves forward to take our order, nudging aside the girl who was working the register. She just winks at us and grabs a clean towel to wipe down tables.
“I just got an earful from my brother,” he growls with a raised eyebrow. “He can’t say no to you.”
“It’s for a good cause,” Aisling says with a shrug. “I use my power carefully, Mr. Lars.”
“Mmhmm,” he grunts. “What can I get you?”
“I want one of your bacon, lettuce, tomato sandwiches, please,” she says and I bite my lip in worry. I have no idea what to order. “If you’d had a really long stomach bug and were starting to eat after it, what would you want to eat, Mr. Lars?”
I appreciate the way she couched it, but the look the alpha gives me makes me raise my hands. “I swear I’m not contagious,” I say quickly.
“I bet you didn’t have a stomach bug either,” he mutters. “So secretive. Alright, I have an idea. Banana smashed toast with a peanut butter drizzle. I’ll make you an electrolyte packed drink too. Avoid caffeine for a while because it won’t help an upset stomach.”
Blinking quickly, I nod. “You don’t have to go to all of that trouble for me,” I tell him, to which he growls and Aisling rolls her eyes.
“Mr. Lars has entered that ‘I’m going to fix it’ phase, which means I’m just going to quietly pay and agree,” she says. “There’s no stopping him now.”
“Go away, girl. You know your money's no good here,” he grunts.
Aisling pulls out a twenty dollar bill anyway and shoves it in the tip jar with a smile.
“Thank you,” she says.