Page 88 of Tangled in Knots
Rolling my eyes, I close and lock the door behind me. “You know only one of those things is even possible,” I grunt. “Fuck, you should see her, Jed. Every night, she walks through those streets at two in the morning to get back to the shelter.”
“How is that boss of hers?” he asks.
The only reason I know where she works is because I brushed up on my coding skills. I hacked into the city traffic light system to be able to track her through their cameras. Everywhere she goes, I’ve been watching. I also know she’s now enrolled and passed her entrance exam for the University of Lyon.
When I found out that she’d been to see the dean of admissions, I figured out how to begin checking their records for new students. It took awhile for the exam to be graded and the official letter to go out.
I found her name on the official roster yesterday as well, but I haven’t had time to tell the guys yet. Jed’s been gone for the last two days, so he hasn’t realized how bad my stalking has gotten.
My skills are rudimentary at best, but I know how to work the dark web for anything more complicated.
“Caleb Finnegan seems to be treating her well. The little omega also opened up a new bank account yesterday,” I tell him.It seems a little ballsy that she used her real name, but the boss would usually use us to track things like that.
We aren’t going to tell him shit.
“Did she?” Jed asks, surprised. “Can you tell me how much is in the account?”
At my glare, he blows out a breath.
“I’m not going to fucking steal it, Morris. Jesus,” he groans. I can hear movement further in the apartment, alerting me that we’re about to have company.
“Roughly four thousand dollars,” I tell him, smirking at his wide eyes. “Adira’s been making great tips, I guess.”
“It sounds like stripper money,” he grumbles and I snort at his words.
“I very much doubt that,” I grunt. “The patrons of that bar go to unwind and drink. Women aren’t really something they’re interested in, outside of flirting with the bartenders. I haven’t gathered the courage to go inside yet. Caleb Finnegan probably knows exactly who Rock is, and I don’t want Adira to see me again. It didn’t go well last time.”
“Sloppy of you to be seen, Morris,” Kane croons, his red hair tousled from sleep. “Was it on purpose?”
“You know it was,” I sigh. It feels odd to be keeping so much of the last week from them. I told them that I’d figured out where she was working, but not much else. “She could feel the weight of my gaze, and I could see her spiraling, worried she was going to lure someone back to the shelter. My presence was a double-edged blade.”
“I bet,” Kane says. His voice is always sultry and seductive. It makes me want to curl around him, so he can stroke the skin along the back of my neck.
I’ve been denying myself the little comforts that abound due to the familiarity of our relationships. I don’t feel as if I deserve them, not after what I did to Adira.
“Morris,” Jed barks, pulling my attention back to him. His alpha bark makes me shudder, my lungs gasping for air at his command. “What’s going on in your head right now?”
Damon lazily drops to the ground to lean against the wall next to his older brother, having followed Kane to where the voices were.
“Welcome to never being able to have an intrusive thought for the rest of your life,” Damon says, motioning to where Jed’s bite is. “If he could live in your asshole, he would.”
Jed barks out a laugh while I blush, because he takes my ass quite often, though not since the auction.
“Ah fuck,” Damon grumbles, realizing what he said as Kane snorts in amusement. So much about their youngest brother is still innocent when it comes to sex. He has a lot to learn.
“His ass is tight and incredible,” Kane growls, winking at me. “Why are you yelling at Morris, Jed?”
“He feels really sad,” Jed grunts. I’m glad he can’t tell my exact thoughts, because he’d probably hit me for thinking about leaving them again.
“I don’t think any of us have been feeling particularly happy lately, Jed. In other news, Adira was accepted into a university yesterday,” I tell them. I don’t want to dwell on how dark my thoughts have actually been.
“She’s going to be starting on February fifth and was able to get a scholarship.”
“Busy little rabbit,” Kane says, crossing his arms over his chest. He doesn’t sleep in a shirt, and his muscles gleam under the front hallway light. Taking a breath, to tell my cock to ignore how hot he is, I continue.
“She has been quietly making moves,” I agree. “I want her to build a life outside of us. No growling, assholes, listen to me for a damn minute. Adira isn’t ever going to want to be a spoiledprincess. She wants to do something with her life, focus on things that have nothing to do with us.”
“I don’t want her to forget us,” Damon says, looking lost as he rubs his chest. “I don’t know what she’s doing, but there’s this numb feeling in my chest. Sometimes I can’t feel her at all.”