Page 95 of Tangled in Knots
“Let’s start it tomorrow,” he says. “That’ll mean it’s your day off, since it’s Wednesday. Enjoy the day to yourself.”
I feel as if I missed something.Lips parting, a squeak comes out, and Caleb merely smirks. “Go get ready. They’ll be coming in soon, and thirsty as ever.”
“Thank you,” I whisper. I don’t know what I’ll do with an entire day off. The idea feels odd after keeping busy every moment.
Turning, I walk to the back room and pull off my coat, mittens, and ear muffs. There’s a locker for my purse and outerwear, which is where I put my things. I don’t typically use my alpha blocker gel outside of work, because I don’t like how it feels to cut a part of myself off.
It’s necessary for this job though, so I rub a small amount under my nose before walking back out into the main bar to set up with Orla.
Tuesdays are always busy for some reason. You’d think there would be more women at the bar, and while there are some alphas here, they’re typically here to shoot the shit and play pool.
I guess this isn’t somewhere people go to hook up then. That’s probably why I don’t have many issues with the patrons who come in, outside of a little flirting. Caleb also glowers at people until they move on. It explains why no one minds my resting bitch face given who the owner of the bar is.
The first hour flies by, and I forget that Duncan said he was coming in until he and Callum step into my vision.
“Oh!” I say, eyes wide. “Hey.”
“Hey, yourself. How is your night going?” Duncan asks, leaning forward.
“It’s good,” I admit. “It’s busy, but I prefer it that way.”
“Can I get you boys something?” Caleb asks. I think he may have seen them before I did, because he was out talking to people at one of the pool tables earlier.
“Just talking with Adira,” Callum says with a smirk. “We’re old friends.”
“I think that’s a little bit of a stretch,” I remind them. The auction feels too close when they’re near, reminding me of everything I’ve lost. It’s not their fault.
“We just wanted to check on you,” Callum says quickly. “Duncan and I want to get to know you better. I know things are complicated with how we met, but it doesn’t feel right not to be friendly because of it.”
“That feels like a lot of convoluted hog wash,” Caleb growls.
“It’s code,” I mutter.
Someone comes around them for a drink, and I ignore the brothers and Caleb in favor of doing my job.
“Hey, what can I get you?” I ask, leaning forward to hear him. I still need to go shopping for better bras, and decide to do that with my new day off.
I may cry spending the money, but a wardrobe malfunction may be worse.
“Whiskey sour, please, lovely,” he says.
Nodding, I don’t think anything of his words, though I can feel the brothers seethe. People call me all kinds of things while I sling drinks, and it doesn’t bother me. I’m the new bartender. What else are they supposed to call me?
“Here you go,” I tell the man, taking the money he hands me to make change.
“Keep it,” he says with a smirk. Taking a sip, he sighs happily. “You make a decent whiskey sour. I’ll come back when I need a refill.”
Turning back to the Kelly brothers, I roll my eyes at the way they glare at the other alpha.
“Please stop peeing on me,” I tell them, ignoring the way Caleb chokes on his saliva. “You’re going to give my boss the wrong idea.”
“I don’t want to pee on you,” Duncan gasps, looking affronted. “That’s not my kink, thank you. I don’t know how you can work here when there are so many alpha scents. It’s tickling my nose as it is.”
“Blockers,” I tell him, shrugging. “I can’t smell anything. I only wear them at work, so I can concentrate.”
“Huh,” Callum says. “I forget those exist. What else are you doing besides bartending?”
“I start school next week,” I tell them. “I’m staying busy.”