Page 98 of Tangled in Knots
“Not really,” I say. “All I can smell is alcohol. I’ve been working on my appetite, but it’s been a slow process.”
“Understandable,” Callum says, pulling off several bills to hand me.
“I can already tell that’s too much,” I admonish him.
“You take tips from everyone else,” he whines. Good luck, buddy.
“Settle up your tabs,” Caleb yells from somewhere behind us. “We’re closing up, friends.”
“He’s going to kick us out,” Callum grunts. “Can we please drive you home? I want to hear all about this shadow of yours.”
“You heard me say that, huh?” I mutter, picking up the money he tried to hand me and taking the exact amount for the drinks they had. “I believe this is yours.”
“Adira, you’re going to drive me crazy,” he sighs, putting it away.
“Good, you’re all paid up. Get out of my bar. We have to close up,” Caleb says, walking up. “Stop taking up all of my employee’s time and energy.”
“I’m waiting outside for you,” Duncan says.
“Why?” Caleb asks, confused.
“I don’t want her walking home,” Duncan explains.
“Why aren’t you taking the bus?” Caleb asks before he pales. “Fuck, they don’t run right now. I didn’t think about that. Why didn’t Aisling tell me this when she worked for me?”
“We don’t want you to worry,” Orla chimes in. “We all walk home after work. It’s usually not a big deal.”
“I’m not a fan of what lives outside of the ‘usually’, Orla,” Caleb growls.
“I know,” Orla says with a shrug, watching as people begin to clear out. “I’m going to start wiping down tables, Adira.”
“Thanks,” I say, glancing at Caleb. I decide that I’m not going to mention that Morris is following me home every night to him,nor the dead alphas. “I thought that’s why you gave me the stun gun, Caleb.”
“No, but I feel like an idiot now. I got you something better. It’s more powerful,” he says, eyes glittering dangerously.
“You still have my favorite pocket knife?” Callum asks.
Huh, that’s who gave me the clothes.
“I do,” I tell him.
“That’s why I gave her the stun gun. Your pocket knife wouldn’t hurt anyone,” Caleb complains.
“There’s officially too much dick measuring happening!” I yell, hands up to call a timeout. “Duncan and Callum, I can walk home just fine, thank you. Caleb, I really am fine. I need to start closing.”
Their faces tell me exactly how much they dislike being told what to do, but they leave me alone.
Growly alphas and their good intentions.I can mostly take care of myself just fine.
I’m sitting across from one of Wren’s alphas at lunch, eyes wide wondering what he wants. Aisling told me that he wanted to meet with me before giving me the hormone suppressants.
“Adira Firestone,” Shaw says, leaning forward. “Aisling came to see me yesterday and told me you need a suppressant that’ll keep your heat away. Is that correct?”
“Yes, Sir,” I murmur, taking a nervous sip of water. There’s no way I’ll be able to eat anything, since my anxiety is twisting my insides. His caramel eyes seem to be assessing me, and I’m worried about what he’ll see.
“Want to tell me more about that?” he asks.
“Would you want to be dependent on someone who sold you at an auction?” I ask. I don’t usually speak so blatantly or at all about that night, but I need these suppressants.