Page 8 of Good Pucking Luck
Now I don’t want that chance at a future with anyone ever again, and here’s a walking sex god offering to make me come, and I’m not sprinting toward him like an Olympic track star?
Malcolm took advantage of me because he could, and while I don’t want to take advantage of my sex god, Idowant to prove to myself that I can do this. That I’m not that guy who only has work or is waiting around for a man to sweep me off my feet. I don’t want to be swept, damn it. How many times did Malcolm hint that I was boring? That I didn’t take chances. That I needed him to spice up my life. I want to prove to myself that I can be the fucking spice.
I set the broom against the counter, and okay, I’m pretty sure I huff too, but the sex god doesn’t call me on it.
I walk around the bar, feel his gaze on my back as I go to the elevator, put my key in, and type in the code so the doors won’t open to this level. Once that’s taken care of, I move to the large sliding doors and pull them shut. They’re glass, so that could be a problem. If anyone is on the roof or high floors of neighboring buildings, they can see up here, but I decide not to let myself worry about that.
When I turn back to the sex god, he’s twisted his stool around, blatantly staring at me with a cocky grin. “Are you kidnapping me now?”
“No. I’m blowing you. That is, if you’re still interested.” It would be just my luck that he suddenly changes his mind.
“I’m interested. The only problem is, maybe I want to blow you too.”
That easily, my cock twitches, blood heading to my groin and making my dick stiffen. “That can—” My voice squeaks. What in the hookup freakout voice was that? I clear my throat. “That can be arranged.”
Sex God’s smile grows, and it’s a really, really nice smile. His short hair isn’t really messy like I thought earlier. No, it’s that sexy-mussed thing going on that I could never pull off, and honestly, none of the guys I’ve been with could pull it off either. He’s one hundred percent not my type. He probably watches sports and doesn’t read books, and holy shit, I’m a bit of a judgmental asshole, aren’t I? Boys like him weren’t nice to me when I was younger, and men like him don’t give me a second glance now. He’s not someone I should be able to pull, but clearly the new me can. The me who doesn’t only care about school, then work. The one who doesn’t put out on the first date. I missed so muchfun.
“You’re not going to get into trouble for locking up the bar and blowing someone back here?”
“I know the manager.” Technically, that’s not a lie, considering Idoknow the manager. I’m just leaving out the part where said manager works for me.
“You gonna come over here, or what?”
Oh yeah, I stopped moving, but then, if I’m going to do this, I should step all the way out of my comfort zone. “Maybe I want you to come to me.”
He chuckles, but it doesn’t feel like a mocking laugh. “I can do that, sure, but you’re close to the door, and there’s nowhere to hide over there if we have to. I thought maybe the two of us going behind the bar or in the back would be better. As hot as exhibitionism can be, it can be a PR nightmare.”
Shit. He’s right. That’s all I need. I can imagine the headlines—how the Rockwell heir went from the laughing stock of the world after being cheated on to public indecency. My stomach twists up, but my dick is still at half-mast.
I really fucking want to do this, so I say, “Of course. I was kidding,” though we both know I wasn’t kidding. Also… “Can I get a name because it’s getting a little annoying to keep calling you Sex God in my head.”
He lets out a laugh, and I’m surprised at how often he’s done that. He seems to be under the impression that I’m funny, when really, I’m not.
He stands. “Rylan. Also, don’t think I missed the fact that you called me a sex god.”
“No I didn’t.” Deny, deny, deny. Who cares that we both know I did.
“Liar, liar, pants on fire. We should get you out of those things before you get burned.”
“Oh my God. That was terrible,” I say as he moves over to me because I still haven’t made my way to him.
He holds my face in his hands, and damn, it feels small there.Ifeel small next to him in this way I never thought I would think is hot. He’s just so… “You’re really hard.” I poke his chest.
“In more than one place.” He grins, then eases in like he’s going to lower his mouth to mine.
“Don’t you want to know my name?” I ask, then immediately wish I could suck the words back in. Hayes Rockwell? Not a common name. I’m fucking terrible at this already.
His brows draw together slightly. “Yep. What’s your name?”
“Harry,” I blurt out, and what the fuck.Harry?I couldn’t have at least come up with a sexier name?
“Okay, Harry. Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Hell yes.” I might be word-vomiting dumb shit, but I do really, really want this. Just having him so close makes my cock swell even more.
“Good. Me too. But if you change your mind at any time, tell me and we stop. Now, where do I take you so we can get to the dick sucking?”
I laugh at the ridiculousness of his question but appreciate the kindness of the first part of his statement. Consent is sexy.