Page 14 of Tainted Saints
The metal creaks beneath my hands, and I ease up my grip, looking back down at Aspen, her forehead dotted in sweat and her breathing shallow as she looks like she’s on the verge of a panic attack. I’ve seen it enough in Forest to know the signs, and without thinking, I reach out and grasp her hand in mine.
“Hey, Duchess,” I say softly, and it’s enough to have her whipping her head around to look at me, her eyes wild, the green vibrant and sparkling. “Breathe with me, okay?” I place her hand on my chest, taking an exaggerated inhale and not looking away from her as she starts to copy me. “That’s right, just like that.”
Her breathing deepens, my own muscles relaxing as her shakes subside, and soon she’s back to normal, colour in her cheeks once more.
“Thank you, Landon,” she whispers, sinking back into the pillows as if she doesn’t have the energy to hold herself up anymore and her hand slipping from my chest to lie limply at her side. My brows wrinkle at the sight of her looking so weak and fragile, my inner caveman wanting to take over and care for her, the hand that held her clenching into a fist at my side as I try to stop myself from reaching for her once more.
Shit, no getting fucking attached, Lan.
“You back with us, lass?” Jo questions gently, and I can see concern written all over her face.
“Yes, I’m so s—” she cuts herself off, taking a shaky inhale. “I’m fine.”
Blaine growls from the end of the bed, and I agree with him. She is clearly not fucking fine.
“Well, lass. I think it would be best if you went home and got some rest, and some more to eat. Such a long time fasting takes its toll,” Jo states, her tone mildly scolding, and that pisses me off a little. I don’t want her telling off Aspen, that’s my job.
Wait, fuck, no. Not my job.
“No, I’m fine, honestly. I don’t need to go home,” Aspen pleads with Jo, her mouth in a tight line and her eyes watery. Why doesn’t she want to go home? Unease slithers through me, leaving a sharp, bitter taste in my mouth.
“We’ll take care of her today,” I say, her head turning to look at me, eyes shining and lips parted. Fuck, she’s too damn beautiful, even vulnerable and grateful, maybe more so. “Forest was meant to show her around anyway, so we can stay with her. I think, for the most part, our schedules match up.”
Aspen tilts her head at me, the look of relief placed with one of consideration, like she’s wondering how I know that.Oh, Duchess, I know so much more about you, sweetheart.But clearly, not everything, if my suspicions about the way her parents treat her are correct, and that has anger flooding through my veins once more.
She turns to look back at Jo and Sally. “See? I’ll be well taken care of, and I have some nuts in my bag so I will eat those straight away, scout’s honour.”
Forest huffs a small chuckle, and my lips twitch upwards. I doubt our Duchess has ever been camping, let alone become a scout.
“Fine,” Nurse Jo relents after a few moments. “Eat before you leave this room, lass, and take it easy. The first sign of another fainting fit and you will be going home. Understood?”
Aspen nods. “Yes, thank you for your care, nurse.”
The old lady blushes, which has my eyebrows raising as I’ve never seen that before and we’ve been in here a few times over the years when one of those rich assholes thought they could take us down a peg or two. Backfired on them, and luckily for us, we were never the ones who started it so our scholarships were safe.
“Well, that’s settled then. I’m heading back to my biology class, those kids don’t know their arse from their elbow, let alone the intricacies of the female reproductive system,” she tuts, turning away and striding from the room. I know from experience that she assists Mr. Greenford in biology and it can be an uncomfortable experience.
“You’re sure you’re okay, Miss Buckingham?” Sally asks, stepping forward, her face creased in concern.
“Absolutely fine,” Aspen replies, biting her lip as if she were going to say something else. “Thank you for your concern and help.”
Sally looks up at me. “You make sure she’s okay, Mr. Capaldi, any sign of another fainting episode and you bring her straight back here.”
“Yes, ma’am. Scout’s honor,” I reply, and am rewarded with a twitch of Aspen’s lips in my peripheral vision.
“Good. I need to get back, take all the time you need, okay?” she says, looking back at Aspen and squeezing her arm gently, waiting for a nod before she, too, leaves us.
A moment of silence passes, and I stare down at Aspen, at the way she won’t look at any of us.
“So, Duchess,” I say, watching as her body stiffens. I don’t like that reaction, but I continue anyway. “You going to tell us why the fuck you haven’t eaten in seven days?”
“Wicked Game” by Grace Carter
His voice is a low,rumbling growl as he asks the question that I can’t—won’t— answer. I swallow hard, licking my dry lips, and then risk a glance at Blaine. His huge arms are crossed over his vast chest, his jaw set in a hard, unforgiving line as he stares back at me from the end of the bed.