Page 55 of Tainted Saints
“I know, Duchess. Fuck, I know,” he answers back in a hushed whisper, his own voice just as thick as mine.
Neither of us say it, those words that sit on the tip of my tongue, begging for release regardless of the short time I’ve known them. Because no matter what Forest says, what they all vow to me, I can’t be theirs.
“You’re Special” by NF
When we finally break apart,the room is near empty, save for Reg who stands near what looks like the back door. He’s looking off to the side, giving us privacy but also watching out for us. I like knowing that my guys have someone so loyal, someone who’ll look out for them no matter what.
“Looked like you needed a moment, boss,” he states, and I’m guessing he ushered everyone out of the room sometime during the kiss that I will never forget.
“Appreciated, Reg,” Lan says in a husky voice, his hands leaving my face. Before I can miss his touch too much, he grasps my hand in his and pulls me from Forest’s lap. “Let’s get some air, Duchess.”
Nodding, I follow him, the other two Saints behind us and Reg watching our backs. I pause when we pass a short corridor where I can see signs for bathrooms.
“I just need the bathroom, I’ll meet you outside?” I say, tugging my hand out of his. I don’t give him time to argue, my bladder making it clear the urgency is needed.
After finishing, I open the stall door and come to a stop when I see the three girls from earlier waiting for me, arms crossed under their full breasts and matching scowls on their faces.
“You need to back the fuck off, rich girl,” the one in the lead snarls. Her dark hair is thick and falls in waves around her face, her jeans and tiny top tight-fitting to show off her curvy body. She’d be pretty if she wasn’t wearing so much make-up, her foundation making her look orange in the glaring white light.
“Excuse me?” I say, a sharp edge to my tone as my heart thuds in my chest. How dare she try to claim them! I look beyond them to where the door is. They’re blocking the exit, bloody bitches.
“You heard her,” the blonde one sneers. “The Saints are ours, they don’t need some rich slut who wants a tumble with a bad boy.”
Heat flashes through my body, my teeth grinding together as her words ring in my ears. I may not be able to have them forever, but it’s not out of choice. If I could choose…I take a deep inhale through my nose and let it out of my mouth in a measured exhale.
“They don’t belong to anyone, they’re not fucking objects to collect,” I tell them, trying to keep my tone even as I step closer to the lead bitch, my hands clenched into fists at my sides. “I will have them for as long as I can, and you should be the one backing the fuck off.”
I’ve never been confrontational before, and a part of me is screaming to run, but a bigger part wants to slap her silly for daring to even think of my Saints, even consider them as hers. They are mine, even if it’s just for now.
“You coming, Little Lady?” Forest says from behind the girls as he swings the door open. “Don’t want to keep Lan waiting.”
The three of them whirl, plastering flirtatious looks on their faces as they walk towards him. My pulse speeds as they get closer, but he just steps aside, allowing them to pass without so much as taking his bright green eyes off me.
Taking a steadying breath, I go to walk towards the door, but Forest steps in, letting it shut behind him.
“You got one thing wrong there, sugar,” he tells me, advancing until he’s backing me up against the counter, a predatory gleam in his deep green eyes and his nostrils flaring. Heat pools in my core, desire searing my insides as his hard body presses into mine. “We belong to you, simple as that.”
Before I can speak, his lips are on mine, a deep, panty-melting moan falling between us as he kisses me like I’m the answer to a question he’s had his whole life.
“If Lan wouldn’t kill me, I’d bend you over this counter right now and fuck you so hard they’d all hear your screams,” he murmurs against my lips, and white-hot lava fills my body. Fuck, I’m like a bitch in heat around Forest, desperate for him at every opportunity. “Come on, sugar.”
My chest heaves as I try to scramble enough thought to follow him out of the bathroom, his hand holding mine in a firm grip. He leads me down a corridor, through a back exit, and then we’re in a beautiful garden. Most of the plants haven’t grown fully yet, but there are heaters and arches covered in vines that will be green once spring rolls around.
Taking me further into the garden, I jump when a shot rings out and he chuckles.
“They’re just practising, Little Lady,” he assures me as we come out of a gate and into some fields, which is crazy as we were just in what I thought was the centre of the east side.
Sure enough, there’s a metal bin with a raging fire in it and lots of chairs around it. Off to one side are a few guys, Lan and Blaine included, and they seem to be shooting at targets down the field. Forest leads me to that area, passing by the trio of bitches who all glare daggers at me.Twats.
A sense of breathlessness comes over me as we get closer, a rush of adrenaline making my nerves tingle. I don’t jump at the next shot that goes off, and there’s some back slapping as Lan hits the glass bottle across the field which shatters into a thousand tiny fragments.
“Can I have a go?” I ask as he catches my eye. One eyebrow raises, a smirk on his lips.
“You know how to shoot, Duchess?” he asks as everyone goes silent around us.