Page 58 of Tainted Saints
“Come,mi amorsita. Let’s get you to bed,” I say softly when she yawns again, rubbing her eyes.
“B–but I’m not sleepy,” she mumbles, another yawn practically cracking her jaw. Taking her hand, I help her up from the crouch she was in while hugging Bolt.
Lan and Forest give me matching glares as I lead her down the small hallway, but I just raise my eyebrows at them. They got her all to themselves the other night, it’s my turn and then we’ll share her tomorrow night. Maybe Lan and I could push two of the beds together for more space while she’s at the Pound with Forest.
She follows me, her eyes heavy with tiredness, and as much as I want to sink into her, especially with her pussy full of Lan’s cum, she needs to sleep more. She looks around my small room—none of our bedrooms are even close to the size of hers—but there’s no judgement in her eyes, just curiosity.
“How did you all end up living together?” she asks as I help her out of her clothes, clenching my jaw tight when she’s stripped completely naked.
“Do you want something to sleep in? I remember you saying you didn’t like pyjamas,” I ask gruffly, my body shouting at me to throw her on the bed and fuck her hard. Her sleepy blink and another yawn gives me just enough strength to resist.
“Can I have your T-shirt?” she asks, her eyes tracing the worn cotton black shirt that I’m currently wearing. Some primal part of me preens and shakes his mane as I strip it off and help her into it. Her entire body relaxes when the fabric falls around her, stopping mid-thigh and teasing me with what I know is underneath.
Coño. This is going to be harder than I thought.
Stripping my jeans off, leaving them in a pile on the floor, and ignoring my semi-erect cock, I take her hand and lead her to the bed, pulling back the covers and helping her into it. Hitting the light, I climb in beside her, and she immediately snuggles into my side before throwing a smooth thigh over mine.
“You didn’t answer my question,” she states sleepily, taking a deep inhale like she’s trying to breathe me in.Coño, I love that.
My arms tighten around her. “It’s not a pleasant story,mi tesoro.”
“Will you tell me anyway?” she asks, sounding more alert, and I curse inwardly. It’s late and I don’t want her exhausted for tomorrow. “Please, Blaine?”
I sigh, pulling her even closer. “I told you what a waste of fucking space my dad was.” She nods against my chest, her breath tickling my skin. “Well, after he…died, Forest’s aunt and uncle managed to get custody of me.” I remember the relief of it finally being over, of having a space that I knew was safe. I press a kiss to the top of her head, my mind thinking back to what she told us about her home, about the many times that she has been locked away in the dark. Anger makes my blood boil in my veins, and I have to breathe in deeply several times to calm my racing heart. “So, they took me in, and I lived in a home full of love and laughter. It took some getting used to.”
She sighs, like my words are a fairytale she could only dream of. I’m struck again by how, on the surface, she may have everything, but scratch that and you see the rot of her cunt of a father and selfish mother.
“And then what happened?” She asks quietly, snuggling in closer. I wrap my arm around her tighter, as if that’ll keep her here with us forever.
“When we finished junior year, Susan and Stan, Forest’s aunt and uncle, gave us this apartment above the Pound. Helped us to do it up a little bit too.” I chuckle, remembering the mess we made painting the walls for the first time. “And we’ve lived here ever since.”
She hums. “Is it true that Lan’s uncle helped you get the scholarships to Fairview?” My stomach plummets with her question, the option of lying not one I’d consider with her, but I don’t know how she’ll take my answer.
“Yes,” I answer in a low voice after several moments, bracing, waiting for her to pull away. She’s quiet for a few moments, then snuggles closer, brushing a kiss against my pec that sends heat shooting all the way to my dick.
“Well, I’m glad at least he’s done one good thing, mafia boss notwithstanding,” she comments, and a feather could knock me down at this moment, shock rendering me speechless. Usually, when people find out about our mafia connections, they run a fucking mile or look at us with a mixture of disgust and fear.
“It doesn’t bother you?” I ask into the dark, curious, as I hold my breath, waiting for what she says next.
“I don’t like that it puts you in danger,” she whispers, and I squeeze her to me, wondering what the fuck I did in my life to deserve someone like her in it. “But it doesn’t scare me. I’ve known the monsters of this world, and you, Lan, and Forest aren’t among them, regardless of your connections.”
Swallowing hard, I have to blink a few times to fight the moisture that is threatening to spill over. No one has ever given us their faith the way she just has. We may be feared and respected, may be the leaders of the Tainted Saints, but no one has ever really believed in us just because of us, not what we can give them.
“You may not think we’re monsters,mi amorsita,” I tell her, my voice thick. “But we can do terrible things, have done terrible things, and we would do all those and more for you, to set you free and keep you safe.”
“Blaine…” she starts, but I hush her.
“Sleep now,mi princesa linda,” I instruct, brushing a kiss across her soft hair. “We’ll talk more in the morning.”
She huffs a little which is just too adorable, and my lips press together to keep in the smile at her bratty antics, but soon her deep, even breathing tells me she’s fallen asleep.
I lie awake for a while longer, just holding her, this small slip of a thing that has come into our lives like a wrecking ball. I can’t even be mad about it. She is already bringing out the best in each of us, making us want to be better for her.
Finally, just as the sky outside my window begins to lighten, I drift off, our girl clutched in my arms. I fall into a dreamless sleep, the likes of which I’m not sure I’ve ever had before.
* * *
“Wake Me Up” by Tommee Profitt, Fleurie