Page 63 of Tarnished Embers
There’s no incessant beeping when I next wake up, and warmth surrounds me, letting me know that I’m safe, that the twins are still here. My muscles relax, my body sinking into the comfort that theirs give me.
Opening my eyes, I find the room dark, though the light around the blackout curtains tells me it’s daylight.
“Hello, sleeping beauty,” Oct murmurs in a deep, husky voice that sends goosebumps cascading over my skin.
“W–what time is it?” I ask, my voice scratchy and sounding like I smoke forty cigarettes a day. I wince, swallowing to ease the ache.
“Here, Cinders.” A plastic cup of water is being held by Cas as he leans over the side of the bed and Kit, who is also awake.
Shuffling up on the bed and ignoring the twinges of pain that emit from my various wounds, I sit up enough to take the cup and drink it down.
“Thanks,” I croak, my throat still sore even after the refreshing drink.
“Always,” Cas says, leaning down and placing a soft kiss on my forehead. Tears sting my eyes at the tender gesture, and reaching up, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer. The cup hits the floor with a soft thud as his arms encase me, no doubt squashing Oct, but I need to hold Cas right now.
“I’m so sorry, Cas,” I whisper, the lump in my throat having nothing to do with the pain of my injuries. “I couldn’t see another way, but I’m glad you found me.”
Sobs rack my body as the thought that I almost lost them, by my hand, comes crashing down on me. I would never have held Cas again, never seen Oct’s smile or Prince’s scowl, and never felt Kit hold me like he is now. Even if what happened in that attic will haunt me for the rest of my life, for the first time in a long time, I’m not alone, and I almost gave all that up. Almost let Odette win.
“Shhhh, Little Cinders. It’s okay. You’re here now and that’s all that matters,” Cas soothes, though his voice is thick with emotion too as his arms tighten around me. He holds me like he is terrified I’ll slip away, and I can’t blame him.
“We’ll never let you go, Little Sis,” Oct assures me thickly, his arms around me too until all three of them are touching me, comforting me like they have done from the first moment I met them.
My sobs soon subside, and pulling away, my brows dip when I see Prince across the room, anguish written across his features.
Cas steps back, giving me an unobstructed view of Prince. He looks broken, his shoulders slumped, his hands clawed into fists, and the skin around his eyes bunched.
“It’s me who should be apologizing, not you,” he rasps, the words harsh and cutting. “If I’d done more, this never would have happened. Fuck, Sugar. I’m so fucking sorry.” Tears glisten in his eyes, making the green sparkle and shine like gems even in the low light of the room.
“Oh, Prince,” I breathe out, my throat becoming even tighter as he just stands there. I want to get up and go to him, but my exhausted body can’t move just yet. “Please come here.”
The twins get out of bed, my heart giving a thud at the loss of their warmth, but something in my gaze and the way my body tenses up must convince Prince because he’s striding across the room in seconds, drawing me into his arms and pulling me close.
I breathe him in, his leather and spiced rum scent washing over me like a soothing balm for my soul. My eyes close as the tension leaves my limbs, a huge breath fanning against his skin.
“This is not your fault, Prince,” I tell him, my face buried against his neck as I inhale his scent. “You are not to blame for your mother’s sins.”
His arms tighten around me, pain flaring from my various hurts, but I don’t stop him. I need the anchor he’s providing as much as he needs to give it.
“I will atone for them anyway, darlin',” he whispers, pulling away so that I’m looking into his eyes. One of his arms releases me, coming up to cup my cheek. “I will make all of this right, I swear it.”
Before I can argue and tell him he doesn’t need to shoulder the burden alone, his lips touch mine in the softest caress. My entire body lights up as it relaxes, like it knows that we are home in his arms, his lips pressed against mine.
My tongue darts out, seeking an entry, which he gives me with a masculine groan, his own coming to dance with mine. His kiss is everything I need; a promise to get revenge and an apology for not stopping that awful night from happening. I forgive him with every swipe of my tongue, telling him with my lips that he is not alone and that I will be by his side from now on. No more trying to take the easy way out.
He ends the kiss with small pecks on my lips, shivers rolling across my skin at the light touch. I’m not ready for anything more yet, but a small amount of relief flows through me knowing that their touch doesn’t send me into a panic. It gives me hope that the attic has not ruined me completely.
“I love you, Ember Everly,” he whispers against my lips.
“I love you back, Prince,” I reply, placing one last kiss on his plush lips.