Page 21 of Claimed By Shadows
He turns to his laptop, his fingers flying over the keyboard, and I huff out a breath before getting up and heading to my room to pack. I know this is the right decision, that I need to be somewhere with more specialist care, and Serene Haven specialises in caring for victims of sexual assaults. The thought makes my stomach churn, that I now have that label, which leaves my hands trembling as I grab the duffle bag that Nikolai gave me all that time ago.
But I won’t let that label define me. I refuse to give Sergi that power.
The morning is warm, the sun already up when we leave the World’s End Estate the next morning. Rowan is driving a stunning, vintage cherry red MG, and laughed when my eyes almost bugged out of my head. He told me that just because they usually keep more under the radar, doesn’t mean they aren’t boy racers at heart.
It made me laugh, and something loosened inside my chest as we sped away from the city, the early morning mining hardly any traffic to stop Rowan from definitely breaking a few speed limits just to show off.
The houses and buildings turn into hedges and fields, and soon we’re driving up a long, winding driveway lined with trees and surrounded by rolling lawns. I sit up in my seat and Rowan lowers the window, the fresh air hitting my face as I take a great lungful.
“It smells like summer,” I muse, turning to look at Rowan. His lips pull up into a smile that steals my breath for a moment, the perfumed air swirling around us.
“It’s already brought some light back into your eyes, Lamb,” he comments, turning back to face the road and pulling up in front of the large building.
It’s gorgeous, marble columns framing a double front door, which is open, big windows all facing the front, and there are roses growing up the front of the building, full of pink and yellow blooms. An older woman stands at the base of the stone steps, her face full of smiles and her grey eyes warm and welcoming.
Rowan cuts the engine, then takes my hand in his, drawing my attention away from the woman.
“Are you sure?” he asks, his honey amber eyes boring into mine.
“Yes,” I answer, feeling a sense of rightness inside my chest, a moment of lightness that I thought I’d never feel again.
“Then let’s get you settled,” he replies, bringing my hand up to his mouth and placing a kiss on my knuckles before letting it go.
We open our doors, and Rowan comes around the front of the car, taking my hand in his once more. Then we make our way over to the woman, who’s wearing a lovely floral dress that floats in the warm breeze.
“Welcome, Iris. I’m Julia and I’ll be your main point of contact for your stay here and your therapist,” she tells me, and I nod, butterflies flying around in my stomach. “If you’d like to follow me, I can show you to your room. Rowan, you are more than welcome to come along too, and thank you for your generous donation.”
“Not at all, Julia. Are the security measures I suggested being put in place?” Rowan asks as Julia leads us into a bright and airy entrance hall.
“As we speak,” Julia affirms, and I don’t bother to ask what he suggested, trusting that he knows what’s best when it comes to my safety. “We understand the seriousness of the situation and want to assure you that all staff are thoroughly vetted, as are any visitors.”
“Thank you,” Rowan answers, placing a kiss on the top of my head as we make our way up a steep wooden staircase. “She’s the most precious thing we have, we won’t lose her again.”
I have to blink the moisture from my eyes, then choose to look around at all the old paintings, which line the walls, in a bid to chase them away. Julia chats to us about the facilities, the spa and gym area, plus all the exercise and art classes that areavailable, as she leads us down a wide corridor and stops outside a carved wooden door.
“And this is your room, Iris,” she states, unlocking the door and opening it, motioning for me to enter first. It’s beautiful, a light peachy pink colour painted on the walls, creams and different shades of peach for all the soft furnishings. I wonder if Rowan specifically requested them, given my nickname. “No one is allowed inside anyone else’s rooms without express permission, and each room is fitted with a panic alarm that will be answered day or night if you need anything or anyone.” She walks over to the wall and shows us what looks like an old-fashioned bell pull with a tassel on the end. “Just tug on this and help will arrive.”
“Okay,” I murmur, my breaths a little quick as nausea swirls inside my stomach. Rowan’s arm slips around my shoulders as he pulls me closer into his side.
“Sergi can’t get you here, love,” he tells me, brushing a kiss to my temple. “This place is now more locked down than the Estate, plus you know he won’t piss off the Fallen, who have made it clear that trying to take you back would earn him a place in their bad books.”
Julia doesn’t comment, just gives me a small, understanding smile. “You are safe here, I promise. Even more so since the donation and suggestions made by Rowan came through this morning.” The tightness eases in my chest at hers and Rowan’s reassurances. She walks over to another carved door. “This is your bathroom, each room has their own.”
We follow her, and I gasp at the luxurious fittings, the cream marble lined with rose gold giving a delicateness to the room.
“It’s beautiful,” I say, my eyes feeling as wide as saucers as I take in the space. A twinge tightens in my chest, thinking of all the times the guys have run me a bath. I know I’ll miss that and so much more, but this is what I need—time and space to heal.
“I’m so glad you like it, Iris.” She beams at me before leading us back out into my room. “I’ll leave you to get sorted. Rowan, stay as long as you need. We have a very flexible visitor policy for approved visitors, so you and Hunter and Roman can visit as often as Iris likes.” She heads over to the door, pausing and placing the key she used to open it on the side table, then turns back to me. “This is your key, and there’s a lock on the inside of the door. Only a select few have keys to the rooms, and Rowan has approved each person so he can tell you who they are. Your welcome pack here also has their names as well as a timetable and the times for meals. I’ll see you later, Iris. Pleasure to meet you, Rowan.”
With that, she quietly opens the door and walks out, closing it softly behind her. I turn in Rowan’s arms to look at him, a lump in my throat.
“Will you stay? Just for a bit?” I ask, and he’s nodding before I’ve even finished.
“Of course, Lamb. Let’s unpack and then we can take a look around.”
Several hours later, we’re eating dinner in my room at a round table that’s set in front of the large window, the sun low in the sky when there’s a knock at the door.
“Um, come in?” I say, more of a question than anything else, and the door flies open, Hunter striding in with Roman on his heels and a security guard behind them.