Page 6 of Claimed By Shadows
“S–Sergi— He—” My body trembles as I try to force the words past my lips, but it feels like the moment I say them, it will all become real and not just a nightmare that I can pretend is happening to someone else.
Nik’s body goes rigid. “I know,Solnishko.” I freeze, my breaths shallow as I wait for his judgement, but he just pulls me closer. “And I’m so fucking sorry. I—” His words cut off, but I can hear the pain in their roughness, the blame that I know he lays at his feet for his father’s actions.
I look up at him, his chocolate brown eyes full of torment, tears making them glitter and shine like the most precious jewels. I release his jumper and with a trembling hand, I reach out to cup his smooth cheek.
“It’s not your fault, my love,” I whisper, my voice thick with the lump in my throat that won’t go away, and a single tear glides down his cheek, disappearing underneath my palm.
“I wasn’t here to stop him, to protect you,” he confesses in a small voice, so rough the words are barely audible. “And I don’t know how to protect you now.”
I knew that he’d be stuck between a rock and a hard place, knew that he couldn’t just whisk me away, but his words still cut like a blade to my soul.
“It’s okay, my love,” I tell him softly, staring deep into his eyes and letting myself fall for just a moment. “Doing this is protecting you, and them.”
His thick lashes kiss his cheeks as his eyelids close, another tear sliding down his skin on the other side. My anguish copies his, my hot tears flowing down my cheeks as I bring his lips to mine, tasting the salt of our sadness as our flesh touches and my eyes close.
“Moy Solntse.” He falters, his words a breath against my lips before his seal over mine.
I sob into his kiss, the relief almost leaving me dizzy. He doesn’t hate me, isn’t repulsed by me, even though he knows about his father’s nightly visits.
One of his hands comes up to pull my hair from the low bun I’d put it in, letting the tresses fall around my shoulders before he buries his fingers in them, using his grip to angle my head so he can kiss me deeper.
A moan floats between us, and I’m unsure whether it’s mine or his as his tongue caresses mine, trying to take all the darkness of the past few weeks away with each swipe. The world around us ceases to exist, the birdsong and sounds of the forest fading into nothing as we embrace. My soul keens, begs for this to be our future.
In some ways, having him here is more painful because I know I’ll have to endure Sergi’s touch again before the day is finished. Refusing to get lost in that darkness though, I focus on the taste of Nik, coffee mixed with something that is all him, his black pepper and vetiver scent surrounding me as he holds me close.
He gently breaks the kiss, pressing our foreheads together, and I keep my eyelids shut, needing to live in this moment for a while longer.
“He’s got too much power still,Dorogaia. If I make a move now, I’d be signing my death warrant and risking your life if they discovered our connection.” His words flow past my lips, tasting bitter and making my jaw ache. “But I’m putting things into place so that one day soon I can eliminate him and we’ll be free. You just need to hold on, and you’re so strong, Iris.”
Another sob falls from my lips, fresh tears tracing down my cheeks as I pull away slightly, opening my eyes so I can look into his.
“I don’t feel strong, Nik. I feel so lost, so broken,” I whisper, voicing the worry that I won’t be able to come back from this. That I’ll be this shadow for the rest of my life, whatever that looks like.
His hand detangles from my hair, cupping my cheek. “I will always help you find your way,Dorogaia,” he vows, his brows deeply furrowed. “And I will fix all your broken parts with my own until together we are whole again.”
I watch her eyes sparkle with her sadness and hate myself as much as my father for not being able to prevent the horrors that he put inside them. I hate that she’s just as broken as I am now, by the same hand that made me suffer for my entire life, and even though I’m back, her suffering will continue because I’m helpless to stop it.
He’s put her in my wing, just next door to my room so I will hear every scream, every whimper that he forces from her, and I swear Dima will have to knock me out or Alexei drug me up because I’m not sure how I’ll stop myself from storming in there and putting a bullet between his eyes, consequences be damned.
I wonder if he put her there on purpose? If he suspects our deep connection and wants to show his power over me too?
I still don’t know what his obsession with her is. Is it just as simple as she was a part of a deal and he sees her as his property?Or is there something more that I’m missing? Something that makes her mean so much more to him than a simple power trip?
Heaving a sigh, I brush my lips against hers once more before pulling back and taking her hand in mine. I need to move, otherwise I’ll explode or try to claim her from him, and she doesn’t need that right now, not after what he’s put her through.
“In a couple of weeks, there’s a poker game and Sergi will take you alongside some other girls,” I tell her, watching her still misty eyes widen.
“Why?” she questions, her brows furrowed in the cutest way.
“Because it shows what he does if you can’t pay your debts, shows the power he has, and he wants to impress the people holding the game,” I reply, and my jaw tightens.
“Because my dad couldn’t pay his debts, you mean?” I watch as her hazel gaze hardens at the mention of her father. Good. He doesn’t deserve her love or affection anymore.
“Yes, and will demonstrate the benefits of being our friends and allies.” My upper lip curls.