Page 61 of Claimed By Shadows
Then he proceeds to show me exactly how good he can be.
The next few days pass in a blur of way too many orgasms. It’s like we’re making up for lost time and can’t keep our hands off each other. The guys postpone any Shadows’ business to spend lots of time with me, and we’re happy to stay in the flat and just breathe each other in.
The night of Ember’s revenge comes though, and I remind myself that I need to get in touch with her and maybe organise a meet up soon. It’s strange because I thought I’d be desperate to get out into the world after the past few weeks of being at Serene Haven, but I’m not, not yet anyway. I can feel a small itch starting, but for the moment, I’m happy to be in our home with my guys.
I watch from our massive bed as they all get ready, dressed head to toe in black and looking fucking edible.
“You keep looking at us like that, Peaches, and we’ll be late,” Hunt muses as he grabs his gun and tucks it into a hidden holster underneath his black hoodie.
My cheeks flush as a throb of need flares within me. “Sorry.”
“You never need to apologise for perving on us, Princess,” Roman teases, giving me a wink from across the room.
A very unladylike bark of laughter leaves my lips, one that would have the matron of my old finishing school shuddering, but I don’t care about being a lady, not anymore. The smile is fixed on my lips as I look at my guys, my Shadows, who love me for exactly who I am.
“I love you all, so fucking much,” I say, my voice a little choked as I get to my feet and take the few steps towards Rowan, who is closest to me.
“I love you too, Lamb,” he replies, his hand cupping my cheek in that way he does which makes my toes curl. Then he drops a soft kiss on my forehead, his lips pressed against my skin and sending warmth flowing through me.
“Me too, princess,” Roman says behind me, his strong arms wrapping me up and making me feel so fucking safe tears prick my eyes. “So fucking much.” His lips press kisses on my neck, his breath tickling my skin as he breathes deeply.
“I love you, wife,” Hunt says, striding over to us and sliding his hand around me, cupping the swell of my stomach, which my cropped tank top gives perfect access to. He’s been touching my belly every chance he gets, which means more than any words because it shows me his acceptance of our baby, despite its conception.
His lips press against my temple, and I gasp as said baby gives a mighty kick. Hunt freezes, his chest not even moving with his breath. I look up to find him wide-eyed, staring down at his hand.
“Did you feel that too?” I ask quietly, and he swallows, nodding his head just as another kick happens.
“Fuck, that’s our baby, Peaches,” he gasps, his eyes glistening as they fill with joy.
“I wanna feel!” Roman whines, sliding his hand around and underneath Hunt’s. Our baby is clearly feeling indulgent as it gives another kick, and Roman laughs. “Shit! Our baby is strong.”
Another hand finds a space on my stomach and I look up into Rowan’s amber eyes, watching as they fill with wonder when our baby keeps kicking, clearly trying to show off for its dads.
“You are an exceptional woman, Iris,” Rowan whispers, and I have to swallow hard because there is so much emotion inside me that it’s a wonder I can breathe.
The warmth of their hands seep into me, our baby deciding that it’s done for the evening and the movement stopping.
“We will be back before it gets light, hopefully not much later than one,” Hunt tells me, his fingers giving a final brush before he steps away. The others follow, but Hunt takes my hand, leading me out of our bedroom and towards the main living room. “And we’ve got some company for you so you won’t get bored.”
He flinches when I squeal, finding Johnny in the living room alongside Dayton, Rufus, and Joe.
“Damn, girl, you look like you’ve nonstopped fucked since you got out!” Johnny laughs as I launch myself into his arms. “Not that I can blame you with all that man meat you’ve got.”
“Careful, Brat,” Rufus growls, and I pull away to find Johnny blushing.
“Seems I’m not the only one with a butcher’s shop full of meat, huh?” I tease, and he goes even redder, which is just fucking hilarious. “Hey, Dayton.” I peer over Johnny’s shoulderto see an equally blushing Dayton. Shit, I forgot he was like, only fourteen.
“H–hey, Iris. Nice to see you again,” Dayton—or Bubby as the guys call him—stammers, looking around the room. He’s still wearing the dark hoodie I always used to see him in, hood up and most of his face hidden.
“Are you staying here with me too?” I question, stepping out of Johnny’s embrace to pull Dayton into a hug. I didn’t really see him when I came back from Sergi, or maybe I wasn’t paying attention because I was in such a dark place. “It’s so good to see you.”
He stiffens for a moment, but I just keep hold of him, and within a moment, he’s relaxing in my arms and wrapping his around me. For fourteen, the kid is tall, so he has to bend down a little, but the way his body heaves out a sigh makes me wonder if anyone has ever hugged him before. I make a mental note to do it more and chat with the guys to see what’s going on with his dad.