Page 93 of A Wish for Us
“Beautiful,” I said.
I could have listened to it all day.
* * *
Three days later…
“Where are we going?” I asked as Cromwell helped me into my wheelchair. Clara had come into my room an hour ago and had taken me off my food bag from my PICC line. She had attached the small oxygen tank onto my pipe and helped me get dressed.
Cromwell pushed me to the door. My pulse seemed to build up speed as I passed my mama and papa. “Not too long, okay?” Mama told Cromwell.
“I know. I won’t push it.”
“What’s happening?”
Cromwell bent down in front of me and laid his palm softly on my cheek. “We’re getting you some fresh air.”
My lips parted as the door opened, revealing a sunny day. I was wrapped up in Cromwell’s thick black sweater, a coat, and blankets. But I didn’t care if I looked ridiculous. I was going outside. I didn’t care where.
I was goingoutside.
Cromwell pushed me out onto the path. He paused. I wondered if he knew I just wanted to feel the light breeze on my face. That I wanted to hear the birds singing in the trees.
His mouth came to my ear. “You ready?”
Cromwell led me to his truck and settled me into the passenger seat. As his face moved past mine, he paused and pressed a single gentle kiss to my lips.
They tingled as he shut the door and got into the driver’s seat. He threaded his hand through mine. He never let go as he drove slowly out of my street and onto the country roads.
I stared out of the window, watching the world pass us by. I loved thisworld. I loved my life. I wasn’t sure many people thought that on a day-to-day basis. But it was often my most poignant thought.
I wanted to live. I wanted the possibilities that lay ahead. I wanted to see the countries I’d only ever dreamed of visiting. Cromwell squeezed my hand. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. I wanted to hear the music Cromwell would create. I wanted to be beside him, seeing his work come to life.
Cromwell took a right down a country road. The lake was this way. As his truck entered the parking area, I saw a small wooden boat, two oars ready at its side, waiting at the end of the wooden dock.
My blood warmed with affection. I turned to Cromwell. “A boat…”
Cromwell nodded, putting his hooded leather jacket on over his thick black sweater. He looked so handsome like this. “You said you like to be on the lake.” Half of me melted at the sweetness this gesture held. But the other stilled. Cromwell had said we would do this after my heart came. When I was better.
I wasn’t a fool. And nor was he.
The days kept passing. And with every fading minute, I grew weaker and weaker.
The heart may never come. Which meant that this ride would never come. My lip trembled as he looked at me, a sudden rush of fear taking me in its grip.
Cromwell quickly leaned in and pressed his forehead to mine. “I still believe you’ll get the heart, baby. I just wanted to give you this now. Get you out of the house. I’m not giving up.”
The tension in me drained away on hearing the sincerity in his voice. “Okay,” I whispered back. Cromwell kissed me again and got out of the truck. I was sure I’d never get sick of his kisses. When he opened my door and the cool breeze drifted through, I closed my eyes and just breathed. I could smell the green of the leaves. The freshness of the lake.
And of course I could smell Cromwell. His leather jacket. The musk of the cologne he wore and the faint smell of cigarette smoke.
“You ready?”
I smiled and nodded my head. Cromwell lifted me out of the truck andpicked up my oxygen tank. As we walked slowly down the dock, I neglected looking at the lake for just a few minutes. Instead I stared at Cromwell. At his olive skin. At the stubble on his cheeks. At the blue of his eyes and the long, black lashes that framed their unique color.
Despite its weakness, in this moment my heart felt strong. And I was sure that if someone were to look into its depths, Cromwell was who they would see. Cromwell must have felt me looking as he peeked down at me. I wasn’t even embarrassed about it. “You’re so handsome…” I said, my voice swept away by the breeze.