Page 21 of Wicked Knight
Tears of joy pull on my heart. I haven’t felt this sort of happiness in a long time. “It sounds like a dream come true. Thank you so, so much.”
“Honestly, the pleasure is ours. I know how badly you want to be with us. We’ve all noticed.” She chuckles. “At NYCB, we reward and nourish talent. Especially when it’s like yours. Our hope is for you to get to one of the principal roles one day. One daysoon. You deserve for the world to see you.”
Excitement races over my skin, filling me with the warmth of anticipation. It can take years to become prima ballerina in the main show. The current one is so good she’s taken the lead for the lasty five years. But at the rate I’m going, I think I don’t have to worry.
“This is the best news ever.” My body is buzzing with excitement. I desperately needed this good news tonight. It’s the kind of news you hope for even though you know it’s crazy and will absolutely never happen. But still, you hope.
Mellissa rests a hand on my shoulder. “I knew you’d appreciate it. Let’s catch up in a few weeks when I’m in Boston. We’ll grab dinner.”
“That sounds perfect.” I try not to squeal at the thought of having dinner with the casting director of the New York City Ballet. As if I do that all the time.
“Good. I can’t wait. Now go change. I’m sure your admiring fans can’t wait to get your signature.”
We both laugh.
“Thanks again. See you later.”
“You too.”
She saunters away, and I watch her until she turns the corner and I can’t see her anymore.
I stay where I am for a moment, allowing the perfect news to process in my soul.
I know how lucky I am. Raventhorn is a great university that can secure your future in the career you want, but I’m one of a few people who’ve managed to achieve such a big career breakthrough so early on in their studies.
I hold the excitement in my heart as I continue down the hallway, but as soon as I’m alone in my dressing room, memories of Dmitri come back to me.
He was here.
I wish I knew when he left. It wouldn’t have made a difference, but at least I would have known.
I walk deeper inside the room, my body still vibrating from the news like tiny fireflies are zooming beneath my skin.
My steps falter, and a shiver slides down my spine when my gaze lands on a bunch of orange lilies lying on the dresser.
Orange lilies.
My favorite flowers. My favorite color.
Every summer, Dmitri and I used to get in trouble for picking our neighbor’s lilies. Orange lilies bloom between May and June, and Mrs. Appleby had the most beautiful ones I’d ever seen. He’d pick them for me.
Dmitri was the only person who gave me that type of flower. Everyone else would give me roses or another popular flower most people liked.
He wanted me to have something special from him. Something different. Something I knew only he would give me.
So, I don’t need to wonder who left these flowers for me now.
It was him. He was in here.
Slowly, I walk over to the dresser and pick up the flowers to examine them. There’s no name or note. No surprise there.
The curtains at the windows lift, and a look to my left reveals the fire escape door is open. It was closed earlier.
He opened it. This is another game. Like the ones we used to play as kids.
The scorpion wants the spider to follow.
I don’t even hesitate to think. I set the flowers back down, and seconds later, I’m walking out the door into the cool night air.