Page 3 of Wicked Knight
“But thiscan’thappen.”
“Sorry, sweetheart. It’s done.”
My head spins, and I feel dizzy, but that spark of determination that’s been carrying me for months compels me to stand my ground. I can’t just accept this utterly crazy decision. “Why did you make a separate deal with Dmitri? You and I had an agreement. You were supposed to set me free.”
At least Kyle has the decency to look guilty. “I know.”
“Then why?” My voice is a fractured whisper. As weak as the rest of my body. The only things keeping me upright are the scraps of my dignity.
“Let’s just say he kind of made me a deal I couldn’t resist.”
“What kind of deal?” My father tried to make Kyle an offer, too, and he turned it down like we agreed he would.
“I’d rather not discuss that.”
From the edge in his tone, I assume Dmitri must have found some kind of dirt on Kyle he used to blackmail him.
Typical.That’s what he does. Outside of playing football, Dmitri has a penchant for finding things out. Even when he wasn’t studying computer science or had the tech savvy skills he’s known for yet, he could find out the kind of unsavory shit and secrets a person wants to keep buried in the furthest corner of hell.
“Besides, Dmitri is a member of the elite. His plans don’t need to make sense.” Kyle cocks of his head slightly, his expression firm and resolved, telling me without words that he’s already washed his hands of me. “When it comes to those guys, you can’t argue when they want something.”
He’s right.
The elite is the group of students here who will become the next line of leadership in the Knights. They’re the lords of the campus, who can have whatever they want, be it a thing or a person. And you have to give it to them.
Dmitri will take the Knight’s Oath in three months’ time through the initiation ceremony. When he does, it will be near impossible to be free of this contract. Then he’ll be anelite Knight,and he’ll have more power because a different set of rules applies to him that people like me can’t break through.
Regardless of what I feel for him, I don’t want to be owned byanyone. Least of all a man who can never truly be mine. “Is there really nothing you can do? You’re a Knight.”
Kyle doesn’t have the same status as Dmitri even though he’s been a Knight for the last two years, but surely, he can do something.
Slowly, he shakes his head, snuffing away my hopes. “No.”
“God.” I bring a weary hand to my cheek, pressing my fingertips into my heated skin.
“Here’s your copy of the contract.” Kyle retrieves an envelope from the inside of his jacket and hands it to me.
I take it, pull the document out, and scan the words. They blur together, but I can see well enough that it’s a done deal.
Dmitri is my new owner, and this contract will only be terminated if he says so or if any extenuating circumstances make it null and void. Since I can’t think of anything that would fit the latter, I’m screwed.
Tearing my gaze away from the damning terms and conditions, I meet Kyle’s large brown eyes again. “Did he tell you anything else? Anything to tell me?”
“Not really. The only thing he said was we’re supposed to pretend I still own the contract.”
“That’s it?”
“That’s it. I guess you’ll have to wait for further instructions from him.”
I stare back at him wanting to say more, but I’m frozen, held captive by the sheer force of this new bomb that has landed on me.
“See you around, Mackenzie. It’s a shame it didn’t work out between us.”
I press my lips together and give him a curt nod. I know he means more than just the contract. We liked each other. Or ratherheliked me. He liked me enough to help me.
We just weren’t a good fit. No one ever is for me because I’m always comparing them to Dmitri. It was obvious every time I saw him. Kyle didn’t deserve that.
He offers me a small half-smile then backs away, looking me over with concern before leaving.