Page 64 of Wicked Knight
The door opens suddenly, making us jump. We all look ahead to find Logan standing in the doorway like a bull in the ring, his eyes fixed on Savannah.
“You,” he grates out, pointing at her.
He marches into the room, the vein on the side of his neck pulsing.
He stops right in front of us, and my hopes spark as I instinctively look at the door to check if Dmitri is with him.
He’s not.
I return my focus to Logan, noting he looks pissed as fuck.
Savannah and Sawyer stand, looking guilty, and I don’t have to wonder if they’ve done something to piss him off.
Last week, Isabelle told me Savannah and Logan were paired up for a project. I knew that was the start of a war.
Logan may have that suave façade going because he looks similar to Henry Cavil inThe Witcher. He has those cool face tattoos the girls swoon over and credentials like being part of the elite and coming from a filthy rich Knight family with money as old as the earth. But people also know he’s scary as hell and is the kind of unhinged crazy you’d expect to see in the villain in a twisted psychological thriller that haunts you for the rest of your life.
“What do you want?” Savannah tries to sound ballsy, but she looks and sounds like a mouse in comparison to his six-foot-four stature.
She’s as tall as me, and he’s as tall as Dmitri.
“Are you serious right now? Your little game messed up our project.”
Eilish and I exchange curious glances.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Savannah sets her hands on her hips.
“If you’d turned up last night instead of sending your sister, you’d know.”
Instantly, I know they must have done the swapping thing again. Savannah’s mouth drops, but she tries to school her expression.
“I didn’t send my sister. I was there with you the whole time.”
“Like fuck you were.Sawyerwas with me whileyouwere God knows where.”
“That’s not true.”
“It’s true. Stop lying. That little game won’t work with me. Now we have to do the whole damn thing again. Do you know why? Do you remember what you did?”
He has her stumped.
Finally, she accepts defeat and looks at Sawyer. “What did you do?”
Sawyer’s eyes go wide, and she bites the inside of her lip. “I may have,potentially, possiblydeleted the files from the mainframe containing the company records.”
“Oh my God, Sawyer, why didn’t you tell me?” Savannah’s face goes ghostly pale.
“I’m so sorry. Look, I’m just gonna go. But I hope you guys can fix it. I have faith in you.” She’s out of the room before anyone can say another word.
Savannah looks back at Logan, who now has his arms folded, the sneer on his face more pronounced. “How did you know she wasn’t me?”
“Ialwaysknow.” His smile is maddening, almost psychotic. “I’m talking to you right now, aren’t I?”
“I could be Sawyer.” She always does that when she’s been called out on their game.
Logan leans into her personal space. “But you’re not. You’re Savannah, my little sea witch. You do that thing with your mouth.”
She looks taken aback and touches her lips. “What thing with my mouth?”