Page 81 of Wicked Knight
My heart lifts, rising in my chest. “Thank you for doing this…”
“No, Spider. Thank you.”
He lowers his lips to mine to kiss me. It’s a tender kiss that’s different to the ones we’ve previously shared.
This one says…more.
I know I’m playing with fire every time I’m with him, but I’d rather get burned than never be with him at all.
For now, nothing else matters.
Only us.
Chapter Seventeen
The apartment building looms ahead, its lights glowing softly against the dark sky.
It’s been three weeks since I got this apartment for us. When Mackenzie and I are here, it’s like we’re living in our own alternate universe where no one exists but us.
I speed up on my motorcycle thinking only of her and getting to her as quickly as I can.
She’s inside waiting for me. Waiting to start our weekend together.
It’s been days since I last saw her—days that felt like years. Days that had me wondering how I could have lived my life without her.
I had Knights business that took me on a mission to South America with the guys for a few days. Jesus, I missed her so damn much.
The guys rely on Alek and me to make sure they have all the intel they need to stay alive, so whenever I’m on a mission, I try to be a hundred percent focused. Slipping up could be the difference between life or death. But I couldn’t stop thinking about her.
I’m back now, and this place feels like our home.
I park up five minutes later and take the elevator to our floor. It’s late, so the place has that quietness I like. It makes me feel less conflicted.
I’m always eager to get here, but I know I take a risk each time I see Mackenzie.
My father seems to be appeased for the moment. I dealt my cards and positioned myself in a way that threw him off my plans.
At least that’s what it seems like. Mackenzie and I have been seeing each other for almost six weeks. I feel like I’ve managed to pull this off. Although I know there will come a time when I have to face the consequences.
Especially because I know I want to be with her. I know I don’t want to be with anyone else. And just like I thought, I was never going to get enough of her. We have four and a half months left on that contract, but this stopped being about the contract eons ago.
I want her to be mine forever.
I don’t know how that will work.
We haven’t even spoken about the past. Not once—well, maybe except for when I maneuvered my way into finding out who took her virginity.
She knew it was a clever ruse to find out if it was Tommy.
I felt like a bastard for being relieved that it wasn’t him, that he didn’t have her first.
Then there’s the matter of her father, whom we haven’t spoken about at all.
These are things we need to talk about.