Page 9 of Wicked Knight
“I know that.”
“Things have changed for him now that he’s engaged tothatgirl.” There’s no mistake in his condescending tone in regard to Isabelle.
She and Kade recently got together. I’m happy for them. It was a long time coming because they’d been jonesing for each other since high school.
They’re perfect for each other, but people like my father will disagree because Isabelle’s father isn’t a Knight. Assholes like my father believe those of pure Knight blood should stick together. No mixing regardless of how useful or valuable the other person may be.
“I doubt things have changedthatmuch for him,” I throw back, borrowing his tone. “I’m sure Isabelle will be an asset to Kade whatever path he chooses.”
Father gives me a wry smile that amplifies the hardness in his eyes. “You speak with determination, Dmitri. I hope that’s not a sign of things to come, or anything, oranyone, I wouldn’t approve of.”
Like always, he’s referring to Mackenzie.
“No.” My answer is a half-truth, but it’s the sensible answer right now.
His eyes turn a shade darker and his focus fiercer, like a hungry wolf ready to maul its prey. “I certainly hope so.”
We rarely talk about Mackenzie, but he knows I’ve never been able to forget her.
I try to fool everyone else into thinking I have by fucking around. But I can’t fool my old man any more than I can myself.
“You stay away from that girl. I will never approve of you being with Mackenzie Domachenkov.” The added warning—with her full name—feels like a bullet piercing my gut.
I’ve been shot before, so I recognize the feeling. And I hate that I have such a crude response tohiswarning.
I should be able to tell him that he can’t fucking tell me what to do, or dictate who I can be with, but it’s not that simple. Life stopped being simple and my world shifted to that gray area of existence from the moment we found Tommy’s body in the woods with Mackenzie’s father standing over him, his hands bloodied and his hunting knife right next to them. The same knife used to gut the life from my brother.
I can’t argue with my father on that matter. When it comes to the past, my fucking hands are tied behind my back, and it’s not a war I can solve with my fists or my power.
And truthfully, even I know it’s utterly unconscionable for me to have any involvement with Mackenzie, let alone owning her via a contract.
“Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?” I try to change the subject.
“No. But the gentle warning never hurts.” He sets his shoulders back and lifts his chin, standard preparation before delivering one of his I-am-the-law speeches. “Now that you’re officially a Knight, it’s time to talk about getting a marriage contract in place.”
Shit. I knew this discussion was coming.
Marriage contracts are a hot topic right now among the heirs at Raventhorn. Especially for the guys who just went through initiation. The Knights like to have marriages sorted out in the earlier years of your studies so you can focus more on integrating yourself into their way of life during your senior years at Raventhorn.
The other day, Logan was talking about his potential marriage contract because his father broached the subject to him before the summer break. Since our families are all close, I knew it would be a matter of time before I got hit with the same discussion.
“I will find my own wife when the time comes,” I say, keeping my gaze trained on my father.
“I think it’s best I choose for you.”
“No.” I cock my head, clench my jaw, and ball my hand into a fist on the table.
He gives me a no-nonsense grin in response. “I don’t think I have to remind you who holds the keys to your inheritance.”
Of course, he controlseverythinguntil I turn twenty-one. And even then, I’ll only receive half of what I’m supposed to get. The remainder will stay under his control to be released when I’m twenty-five.
“You don’t have to remind me. But perhaps you need the reminder that I have fifteen NFL teams scouting me as we speak.”
That shuts him right the hell down, but he keeps up the appearance that he’s boss over me with that grin.
NFL teams scout players from high school as part of their player development process. Then they track them right through to draft day after they graduate college. I’ve had scouts after me since I was fifteen, but they all descended on me like a plague of wild locusts after Raventhorn won the national championships last year.
“I don’t need the reminder.” Father’s voice is as stern as a judge’s, and his Grim Reaper stare is just as stern. “But I’m sure you wouldn’t be foolish enough to turn away your multimillion-dollar fortune.”