Page 45 of More Than A Boss
He spooned her tightly against him, cupping her breasts as he nuzzled her neck. He whispered so low she had to strain to hear, “I love you, Allie.” Afraid to move or respond, afraid that she had only imagined it, she lay still.
After their lovemaking, they slept for several hours, naked limbs intertwined, content to be held in one another’s arms. When Allie awoke, she climbed out of bed trying not to disturb Zane, who was still snoozing. She pulled on a lightweight silk robe and cinched the belt around her waist.
After grabbing a bottle of water, she went out to the balcony and sat down, propping her legs up on an ottoman. She needed a moment alone to try and absorb what had transpired between herself and Zane. That he had made the time and effort to fly down for the weekend opened her heart to hope. They would make this weekend count, she thought. He really did care. He had missed her. That left a warm feeling of gratitude in the depths of her soul. She still questioned whether she had heard him declare his love for her or if it had been wishful thinking on her part.
She let the sound of the ocean waves transport her, trying to forget about everything but this moment, to simply allow and not feel she had to try to figure everything out. She would savor this time here with Zane because no one knew what the future held or when they would see each other again.
After some time had passed, as the sun was setting, Zane joined her on the balcony. He chose to sit on the ottoman, placing Allie’s feet in his lap so he could massage them. His strong, capable hands stretched each toe one at a time and then, using his thumbs, he gently probed into the soft soles of her feet. As he kneaded and twisted with a gentle grip, Allie surrendered to the sensations. “If you ever decide to give up on law, you certainly could have a second career as a reflexologist,” Allie murmured, so relaxed it felt like an effort to speak.
“So I’ve been told.” Teasing, he winked at her.
“You had better watch what you say, since you’re currently pretty vulnerable, with my feet a mere inch from your crotch!” she threatened and nudged him gently with her toes to prove the point.
“Hey, whoa!” he protested. “I may have use for that later.” Zane raised his eyebrows suggestively.
“Don’t be so sure of yourself!” Allie pouted attractively.
“It is my greatest desire to see you writhing with pleasure from my touch. There is nothing that pleases me more than pleasing you, my love.” He said it so casually that Allie blinked at him like an owl.
“What?” Zane asked in response to her wide-eyed stare.
“Nothing,” she answered quickly, not wanting to spoil the moment with words.
He placed her feet back on the ottoman and, straddling her legs, leaned down to kiss her on the tip of her nose. “Don’t look so surprised. You must know by now that I am completely, utterly, spellbound and captivated by you. I love you Allie Mae Rose.” He tilted her head up to look deep into her eyes, “Now, since I know how much you like to eat, let’s shower, get dressed, and find some good seafood,” he said.
“Well, I guess you really do know me. You just read my mind, Mr. Dunn,” Allie replied, smiling as she rose gracefully from the chair to follow him inside.
Returning from dinner with full bellies, they sprawled out on the couch to watch a little TV before retiring for the evening. Zane paused with the remote in his hand, uncharacteristically hesitant with his words.
“Allie, earlier, when I first arrived, I felt so happy to see you that I kind of got carried away by the moment.” He continued, “I hope that I didn’t move too fast, considering what you just went through. As a man, I’m left to my imagination about how frightening that experience must have been for you, and, frankly, I’m almost ashamed to be a man. It felt right in the moment, but, in hindsight, I hope it wasn’t too soon for you.” His voice was serious and heavy with self-doubt.
“Zane, I needed that! Making love to you, well, I don’t know quite how to explain it, and everyone is different, but for me I needed it to replace that awful memory. Your beautiful lovemaking is healing for me. It is like a balm to my soul. Your words touch me deeply. Thank you for that. Coming here to Florida was a perfect plan. First Casey, then you, showing up to take care of me. I feel so loved and supported. That means the world to me, Zane.” Allie nestled her head into the crook of his arm and cuddled up with his arms around her. He leaned in for a chaste kiss and turned on the television, tuning in to a light comedy. They both fell asleep and stayed huddled there for the rest of the night.
All too soon Sunday arrived, and it was almost time for Zane to catch his plane. Allie woke up heavy-hearted, knowing that they only had a few more hours before he departed. Zane seemed as miserable as she was. They didn’t talk much through breakfast, though she could tell Zane was trying to overcome his gloomy mood to pick her up.
“Hey, are you crying? Are those real tears?” he asked gently. “We knew it would go quick, but at least we had a minute together.” He caught her face in his hand to caress her cheek.
“I don’t want you to go,” she sniffled pitifully.
“Believe me, I’d rather be here with you than anywhere in the world, but unfortunately reality has a way of intruding on my desires,” he said lightly.
“I know. I don’t have to like it though,” she said spiritedly.
“Go ahead and wallow—it makes me feel needed!” he joked.
“I am not wallowing!” she protested. “Well, maybe just a little.”
“I have a surprise for you, Allie.”
“Another surprise?” she asked wide-eyed.
“Yes, but you’ll have to wait until later to find out what it is,” he replied mysteriously. “Just keep that in mind rather than focusing on me leaving, OK? I promise you will love this surprise,” he said.
“You got me! Now I am almost distracted,” she said laughing.