Page 49 of More Than A Boss
“You didn’t when we were married,” Zane said dryly.
“Please don’t start sniping at me,” she replied. “I miss us, Zane. Remember when we met in the constitutional law class our first semester of law school?” she said nostalgically. “You walked in, and I was bowled over.”
“Yes, of course I remember. You weren’t too bad yourself,” Zane said. “What was it, about a week into classes, and we were already an item? We didn’t waste any time. Ah youth, to be young and dumb again.”
“You were and are the sexiest man I had ever set eyes on,” she chuckled. “After being in an all-girl’s private high school and then a women’s college for my four years of undergraduate school, I was a bit sheltered at 23.”
“I would have never known it, the way you came on to me!” he teased.
“I said sheltered, not shy,” Helen laughed. “Remember how hard my family was on you the first time you came home to meet them? You know Daddy. Nothing was ever good enough for his perfect daughter.”
Helen had grown up in a very wealthy family, and it was old money, generations of old money. Her father was a very powerful attorney who had made his name representing the richest families of Chicago. He felt entitled to anything he desired and passed that on to his only child.
“Zane, we were happy once. I know I made a mistake by taking a lover, but you were never around. I was so young when we got together. I didn’t have much experience, it just happened.” She excused herself like it was a minor infraction that he was being unreasonable about.
“Helen, you had a three-year affair behind my back that only ended because you got caught. I was the unlucky schmuck to discover you in our bed,” he said, still remembering the hurt of the betrayal.
“I’ve changed, Zane. I now realize how stupid I was. You loved me once, can’t you possibly rekindle that love again? There was never anyone for me but you. That affair was purely about sex. I never loved Duncan, it’s you that I love.” She reached for his hand, her long, manicured nails painted a bright red that matched her dramatic red lip color. Standing, she leaned over and pressed her lips against Zane’s.
Zane pulled back and gently said, “Helen, I will always care about you. We were married for ten years, but I’m no longer in love with you. That chapter of our lives is over. You must know that?”
Her face was getting tighter and her jaw slightly clenched as she said, “It’s because of that blonde groupie that was in your office, isn’t it? I knew it!” she said spitefully.
“No, it’s not because of Allie, but I am in love with her,” he said kindly.
“Zane, Zane, Zane, she is much too insipid. You need someone who is as powerful as you are. She is weak.” Helen continued, oblivious to Zane’s darkening expression, “You need a mate, not a doormat. I am your equal, she is most definitely not! She is beautiful, I will give you that…but that isn’t enough to hold your interest for long.”
“You’re mistaking power for control. Allie is not only empowered, she is highly intelligent, compassionate, funny, and sexy as hell!” Zane said. “You, on the other hand, are not happy unless you are controlling everything and everyone around you. You will use any means to win and get what you want. That is not true power, Helen.”
He continued, “I’m not worthy of Allie, but I’m a much better person when I’m with her than when I’m not. She makes me want to be a better person. She attracts what she wants and needs to her because she is a generous and kind person. She doesn’t have to resort to manipulation and deceit.” He finished his angry defense and laid down his sword. “I don’t want to fight with you, Helen. We shared a moment in time together. We had some great years in there. It just wasn’t a forever kind of love.”
“Oh, and now you’re the expert? You think she is the ‘forever kind of love’? Ha! Don’t fool yourself. You will tire of her. You need fire. You will be bored in six months. Mark my words!” She practically spit the words out.
“Helen, you are not the scorned woman here. Relax! We’re divorced, remember? You’ve had a few relationships since then. Not that it’s any of your business, but Allie is the least boring person I have ever met. I hate to break it to you, but emotional drama does not equate to excitement. Fighting and constant drama bore me to tears, and that is what our relationship was all about. Just let it go, Helen. Let’s remember the good times and move on. Friends?” he asked, holding out his hand to shake on it.
Completely ignoring his outstretched hand, she replied, “I’m not giving up entirely. We will wait and see how you feel in a few months, Darling. I predict you will see the light and come crawling back to me. You know how good our sex life was. Are you sure you don’t want to have a romp tonight, for old time’s sake?” she said seductively.
“You are persistent, I will give you that, Helen.” Zane laughed cynically. “Thanks for the lovely meal. I give it a five-star review. Now, I’m going to load the dishwasher then turn in and do a little work from my bedroom. I’m behind the eight ball right now. I’ll see you in the morning. I must get an early start. I plan on getting up by six o’clock to reorganize the garage and then I’ll drive over to the police precinct to fill out a report. I’ll be taking off from there.”
Zane rose and started to clean up. Helen haughtily left the room, presumably to sulk in her bedroom.
Allie sat on the toilet with her face in both hands in utter disbelief. She had peed directly on the stick and used all three tests that were in the kit she purchased several days ago. The results did not change. The test read positive. She was pregnant. About four-and-a-half weeks pregnant. That was the first time she and Zane made love. The day after Thanksgiving. Now it was almost Christmas.
The snowbirds had arrived, and the quiet island had suddenly become the go-to holiday destination. After her mom and Pete left, Allie continued to battle with nausea, as she had throughout their visit. She had refused to even consider it at first because she had gone on birth control pills soon after the first time they had made love. Denial was her friend. Until it couldn’t cover for her any longer.
That must have been all it took, she thought. One morning of lovemaking. When she was three weeks late with her period and nauseous, it began to sink in that maybe she needed to investigate further. She had assumed she was late from the emotional trauma of the attempted rape. Now, here she was all alone, sitting on the toilet, wondering what the hell she was going to do. How would Zane react, she wondered? She wasn’t even sure how she felt. She had to admit there was fear, but even more present was an excitement. She could already feel a love for this miracle growing inside of her. She never thought it would happen again, but at thirty-eight she was more prepared than she had been in her early twenties. She knew she would keep the baby. Holding the stick with the pink positive sign, she dialed Zane’s number. May as well dive in headfirst, she thought.
Zane was taking a shower and had left his cellphone plugged in to his charger on the kitchen counter when it rang. Without hesitation, Helen answered it with a sultry voice. “Hello,” she said.
“Oh, um, this is Allie. Is Zane there?” she inquired tentatively. “Is this Helen?” she then asked in shock.
“Who else would it be, Allie? Zane is in the shower. Can I tell him you called?” Helen said with a falsely sweet voice. “We’re here at the lake house. Thank God most of the snow missed us, so we aren’t completely snowed in!” she laughed. “Although that might not be such a bad thing. I’m sure we could find many ways to entertain ourselves.” she said conspiratorially.
“Um, no, please don’t bother telling him I rang. It wasn’t important. I will try him again later. Thanks then. Uh, have a good time, Helen,” Allie said, holding back tears.