Page 16 of More than a Memory
She knew what that meant and raced to the pasture to help bring the herd in. Gabe opened the gate and stood looking out over the land. The sky was beginning to darken, with clouds rolling in, and he felt the first drops of rain beginning to come down as he waited for Bella to bring the horses through the gate.
A few minutes later, the herd thundered up the hill at a full gallop, blowing hard through their nostrils. Gabe never grew tired of this. The majestic sight of horses in their element was ancient and mystical. The bond between man and beast something never to be taken for granted. These thousand-pound plus animals were innately wild and only through their generous nature were humans privileged to be able to sit upon their backs.
“Good girl, Bella,” he praised as the last horse came through the gate. She wagged her tail in response, proud of herself, tongue lolling from the exertion.
Sam had already left, so Gabe made sure the horses were all in their respective stalls with hay and water and closed their doors. He had a few odds and ends to finish up before heading out to his girlfriend’s house for a Sunday meal. Life was good, he thought.
* * *
Later that afternoon, Sam pulled into Casey’s drive for a much-anticipated home-cooked meal. She was a great cook, and she had promised chicken and dumplings served over mashed potatoes with a fresh-baked apple pie for dessert, à la mode, of course. Earlier, he had talked to Darcy and they had made another date for Friday. This time he was treating her to a finer dining experience. He felt like the anticipation might kill him.
“Well?” Casey asked, before Sam had even removed his coat.
Sam grinned and strung her along for a minute.
“Well what?”
“Don’t you ‘well what’ me! How did the date go?”
Casey had Darcy on a pedestal and was forever in her debt after a daring rescue last year when Casey and Allie had been held hostage. What could have become a tragedy was thwarted by Darcy’s quick and fearless intervention. Darcy had nerves of steel, as far as Casey was concerned. She was also an awesome human being. Casey couldn’t be more pleased that she and Sam had gone on a date.
“Oh, you know, not bad,” he teased.
“Sam, do you want to eat tonight, or do you just want to march your behind right back out that door where you came from?”
“Oh, I see how it is. I guess there is a price for everything. Even with your own family,” Sam complained lightly.
“Did you have a good time? Are you going out again? Do you think she likes you?” Casey fired off without taking a breath.
Sam laughed out loud. “Are you that worried about my bachelor lifestyle, Sis?”
“I just want you to find someone and to be happy. I want you to have what Charlie and I have, and Zane and Allie,” she said, referring to her best friend, “I don’t think it is too much to ask for. You deserve it.”
“I really like her, Case. She, however, is not interested in anything serious, but I intend to give it my best shot,” he said earnestly. “It just feels right. I haven’t felt like this for a very long time. It’s kind of scary, really.”
“Sam, I’d just go slowly with Darcy. I don’t know that I’ve shared her history. I really don’t know the whole story, just what I’ve heard from Allie, but she used to be a police officer and she and her fiancée were partners and he was shot and killed right in front of her on a routine call. I’m sure she has some walls up. I know I would.”
“Wow! That explains a lot. Now things are making a little more sense. I felt like the minute things got too personal she put her guard up. I’ve never met anyone quite like her. She’s fun to be with, a little on the wild side, extroverted, yet I sense a shyness or reserve behind that demeanor. Thanks for sharing that with me, Sis.”
“I don’t know her that well, but from what I do know, and have pieced together from Allie, she is a great gal with a kind but broken heart.”
“I feel so bad for her. I can’t imagine what something like that could do to a person,” he said quietly. “I had a sense I was up against a wall of fear and this only confirms my suspicions. I’d like to be the one to help heal those old wounds and make the world safe for her again.”
“Sam, that is why I love you so much!” Casey said, hugging her brother hard. “Any woman would be lucky to have you. I just hope she can open up enough to let you in.”
“Time will tell, I guess. At least she said yes to a second date. That is encouraging,” he said, ever the optimist.
“Well, you are a horse whisperer and general all-around animal psychic, and not too shabby with people either. I would place my bets on you.”
“I hope you’re right,” he replied.
“Charlie is in watching the game. Feel free to abandon your sister and join him,” she said.
“Are you sure there isn’t anything I can help with?”
“When it’s time to mash the potatoes, I’ll let you have the honor,” she replied.
“Deal! Bye Sis.”