Page 20 of More than a Memory
“You can’t blame yourself. Those racoons are smart and wily. You just have to be more cunning than they are,” he said.
“Well, I’ll give it my best,” she shook her head and continued, “I sure do miss Hank. It’s been so hard to keep things going here alone.” She was referring to her husband, who had passed away the previous year of a sudden heart attack. “This never would have happened if he was still here.”
“Now, Millie, that is simply not true! You’re doing a great job managing things around here. I have a couple of names of some high school kids who are looking to make a little extra money. Would you like me to have them get in touch with you? They’ve been raised on a farm and are willing to do just about anything. I can vouch that they are great kids.”
“Really? That would be an answer to my prayers. Please give them my number or have them drop by anytime! That would take a thousand pounds off my shoulders,” she accepted gratefully. “I don’t know how to thank you … Sam.”
“I wouldn’t be opposed to one of your fresh baked pies when you get around to it,” Sam said, winking. “No pressure though.”
“I would be honored!” she said, beaming at the compliment. “It’s the least I can do. How is it that a handsome, intelligent, kind soul like yourself is still single?” she asked curiously.
“I’m working on it, Millie.”
“Good. She better be worthy of you is all I can say,” she said protectively.
“Oh, she’s definitely a keeper. I just hope I can convince her to give me a chance,” he shared.
“She’d have to be a fool to let you get away!” Millie huffed.
They settled Cluck in her nest within the crate Sam had brought up from the basement and, satisfied that she was comfortable, Sam took his leave. “I’ll be back tomorrow to check on her,” he said.
“Thank you for everything!” Millie replied, as he closed the door to his truck and left for his next call.
The week flew by for Darcy. She was on her way to Annie’s townhouse to find something to wear for her date with Sam that evening. Annie pulled up just as she arrived.
“Perfect timing!” Annie called to her, as she struggled to get out of her sports car weighted down with shopping bags.
“What do you have in the bags?” Darcy asked suspiciously. “Please tell me you didn’t buy anything for me! Your closet contents could clothe the entire county. You better not have bought more!”
“Oh, don’t be a spoil sport!” Annie said, sticking her tongue out at her older sister. “Someone has to contribute to the fashion economy. If it were up to your purchases, the entire financial system would collapse.”
“Let’s get this over with,” Darcy said, grinning.
Annie unlocked the door to her two-bedroom, two-story townhouse condo. It was small but perfect for a single person living alone. She had painted all the walls in a vibrant southwest color palette and adorned them with beautiful Native American and Georgia O’Keefe framed prints. The house had a luxurious tranquil vibe that left one immediately relaxed. They trudged upstairs with the packages, throwing them onto Annie’s bed.
“Now, take your clothes off,” Annie commanded in her bossiest tone. Darcy began to strip down to her lacy bra and panties. “Well, at least your lingerie is sexy,” she said dryly.
Annie began to pull things out of the shopping bags, looking between her purchases and her sister, considering. She pulled out a one-piece jumpsuit in a cream-colored chiffon material that was both classic and sexy. The jumpsuit was lined and had a plunging V-neckline with an elasticized waist and a tie closure. The pant legs were loose, wide, and long; made to wear with heels. The long sleeves were shear until they reached the buttoned plackets at the wrist.
“This is it, I just know it!” Annie said in excitement.
Darcy slipped into the jumpsuit as Annie dug around in her closet, looking for the perfect shoes to complement the outfit. Finding a pair of high-heeled gold pumps, she tossed them out to complete the look. “Perfect!”
Darcy slipped into the heels and walked over to the full-length mirror to peek.
“Wow. I really like this! I hardly recognize myself!” she said.
“Gorge as usual,” Annie confirmed. “Now, we’ll add several wide gold rings—one on your middle finger and on the other hand your index finger. I’ll do your hair and makeup and you’ll be good to go. Your hair already looks fab, so I’ll just add some product at the roots to make it a little fluffier. Take off the jumpsuit and put it on a hanger and I’ll zip it inside a garment bag so you can transport it home safely, then you can put it on right before he picks you up. I’ll stick the shoes in a bag.”
“Thanks, Annie, you really have a gift. If you can make your plain-Jane sister look this good, you can do anything! You just saved me from a lot of stress. Speaking of your talents, I have a favor to ask of you,” Darcy said. “While working on a case, I happened to meet a young mother who is down on her luck. Her name is Rachel. She’s stuck at home, broke, single, and with two small children. I was wondering if I brought her to the salon whether you’d be willing to show her around and tell her about some of the career opportunities that there are in the beauty industry. I thought of a manicurist or even a stylist. Maybe doing her hair and makeup would bolster her self-esteem. I just felt so bad for her, and if we could give her a little nudge in the right direction it could make a difference.”
“Willing … are you kidding me? I would love that! It checks all my boxes! I get to be bossy. I get to talk about myself. I get to help someone. And I get to do a beauty makeover,” she said, emphasizing each point by ticking it off a finger. “I’ll do her hair and makeup for free and get my nail tech to give her a manicure and pedi on me! I’m totally in!” Annie volunteered enthusiastically.
“That’s what I love about you, Annie!”
“Just remember this the next time you get irritated with me,” Annie said. “And Darcy? Tonight, just for me, could you have fun and forget about everything else!”