Page 50 of More than a Memory
Sam was mesmerized by her full, creamy breasts and reached up to cup them as she began to rock against his hardness. He fondled her nipples, rolling them between his fingers, causing Darcy to arch back in arousal. Up and down, in and out, Darcy would lift until he almost slipped out then sit down enfolding him completely once again.
“Darcy, I don’t want to leave you behind, but I can’t hold on much longer,” Sam said in a taut voice.
He didn’t have to wait much longer, as they both erupted, climaxing simultaneously. Afterwards, Darcy collapsed on top of Sam, snuggling her face against his sweaty neck, liking the taste of salt on his skin. When their breathing finally returned to normal, both spent, they fell asleep, with Darcy still draped across his body, their limbs intertwined, Sam’s arms around her and his nose buried in her wild mane of hair.
* * *
Darcy awoke with a start and, glancing at the bedside clock, she shook Sam awake.
“Sam, I have to go now. Don’t get up," she said, giving him a deep kiss.
Still groggy, he mumbled, “Do you have to leave?”
“Unfortunately, I do. Just stay put. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
He reluctantly released her from his embrace and kissed her open-mouthed, burying his tongue inside her.
“Please be careful,” he said as she rose from his bed.
“I will be, and Sam, thanks for being so real and so forgiving and kind. I don’t deserve you,” she said.
“Yes Sam.”
“You deserve everything that is good and true…because that is what you are,” he said as he watched her get dressed.
“I love your new rose-colored glasses,” she replied, lightening the mood.
“Yours aren’t so bad either.”
“Bye Sam.”
“Bye Shamrock. I miss you already.”
* * *
Annie dropped Darcy off at the airline’s departure curb and waved goodbye as she drove away. Darcy had packed lightly, only needing a carry-on, so the only thing she had to check and declare was her firearm and ammo. Her plane was already loading, so she hurried through the airport to her boarding gate. She got there just in time, lucking out and scoring a window seat despite being one of the last to board. Fastening her seat belt, she mentally prepared for take-off. That was the worst part of flying for her. Once in the air, barring turbulence, she enjoyed looking out the window at cloud formations and the topography when coming in for a landing.
She sat next to a young service man who was also heading to Fort Bragg, returning from a brief visit with family. He gave her some helpful advice on where to get daily passes for visitation on the base. He was a newer recruit and was very enthusiastic about serving his country. They had a nice visit, which made the flight go so much faster. She thanked him as they departed the plane both for his service and for his tips.
After adjusting the seat and mirrors of her rental car, she entered the address of her hotel into the GPS and pulled away. She had been able to book a hotel in Fayetteville, about 5 miles from the military base. Once she unpacked, she planned to waste no time in seeking out Captain Josiah Williams. She just needed to decide the best way to do that.
Gina had left a voice mail telling Darcy that the only secret that she could think of was Liam’s tattoo. The letters SOTR were inked across his deltoid. When Gina had asked him about it, he had been embarrassed to tell her. She eventually got out of him that it stood for Somewhere Over the Rainbow. A permanent reminder from a night of inebriation, he thought it was too whimsical for an Army guy, so he never told anyone what it stood for.
Earlier, Darcy had turned on Gina’s phone to check for new text messages, but there hadn’t been any. She turned it on again now and a text had come in about an hour ago.
Liam: Come on Gina who else would it be. I’ve got to meet with you. Where are you?”
Gina (Darcy): I’m sorry. I’m all freaked out. Just tell me what your ink initials stand for.
Seconds later, the phone pinged.
Liam: Really Gina? Come on, don’t be absurd.
Gina (Darcy): Absurd as it might seem, I can’t take any chances.
Liam: I’m not playing games here Gina. I need to meet with you now! It could be my life on the line.