Page 64 of More than a Memory
He was silent for so long that everyone began to squirm’ Annie bravely stepped in to say, “Sam, these are our long-lost sisters all the way from So Cal! Emma, Charlotte, this is Sam,” she said, introducing them.
His life-long ingrained manners forced him to turn to the sisters and greet them.
“I’ve heard all about you. My pleasure,” he said, then focused his laser gaze back on Darcy.
“I trust you are doing well?” he asked.
“Yes, busy at work, and you?”
“Same. I won’t keep you girls from your visit,” he said grimly, as he caught up with his sister.
Darcy was crushed and looked as if she might be going into shock. The sisters all rallied around her, talking at once, desperately trying to engage her.
“Just breathe, Darcy, take some slow steadying breaths,” Emma instructed. “You got this,” she continued.
A compelling force beyond her control drew her eyes irresistibly toward Sam.
“My God,” she thought, “he is so beautiful, I’m dying.”
He suddenly met her eyes and didn’t look away. They just stared at each other like two starving souls looking at a gourmet meal through the bars of a jail cell. They could see it, but it was unattainable.
* * *
In silent agreement, they headed straight home. Annie suggested that she drop off Emma and Darcy first and then she and Charlotte would go pick up some ice cream as a treat. As soon as they pulled away, the sisters immediately began discussing what they had just witnessed.
“This is just ludicrous!” Charlotte exclaimed. “They are both like two lovesick puppies! This can’t continue. They should be together!”
“Tell me about it, but it is out of our control,” Annie said.
“Wow, not to sound too superficial at a time like this, but is he hot or what? If he were looking at me like that, there is no way in hell that I would be able to resist.”
“They were made for each other. That is the real kicker,” Annie said.
“Poor Darcy!” Charlotte said.
“Poor Sam,” Annie returned.
* * *
Darcy was rallying in the company of her sisters. Licking her chocolate cone, she even managed to bring the encounter up to talk about.
“That was excruciating,” she admitted.
“Really? We couldn’t tell,” Annie said dryly.
“I thought he looked tired,” Darcy said.
“He looked miserable, exhausted, heartbroken. Need I go on?” Annie asked.
“Listen, Sis. This is my advice: March your butt over to his place and beg him to take you back. Enough is enough!” Emma said.
“What, and just ask him to take another chance on me only to repeat again and again. I can’t ask that of him. I’m too big of a risk. I couldn’t promise that it wouldn’t happen again. I couldn’t do that to him. Assuming he was even willing to take the risk in the first place,” she said logically.
“Love will light the way!” Charlotte said stubbornly.
“Yes, it will!” the other two chimed in.
“Thanks guys. I’m sorry I brought it up. Let’s just enjoy our last night together.”