Page 2 of More Than a Fling
Gabe clutched at his heart and reeled comically as if he’d been struck.
“Quit flirting and grab one of my bags,” Sam said.
“Aye-aye boss.”
What a body!Annie watched as he took the steps two at a time and returned a moment later with a duffle bag and a small carry-on. He stowed it in the hatch of the VW.
“Gabe, I gave you Darcy’s number, if you need me don’t hesitate to call,” Sam said.
“Go. Forget about everything here. That’s why you pay me the big bucks. Everything will be fine, so quit worrying.”
“I have total faith in you, or I wouldn’t consider being gone for a week let alone a month.” Most of Sam’s energy was directed toward his veterinarian practice; as farm manager, Gabe kept things running smoothly.
“It’s going to be quiet around here without you,” Gabe said.
“You will be too busy to miss anyone,” Sam said, laughing as he got into the back seat of the car.
Gabe walked over to Annie’s car window and leaned down to her level, “Hey, it’s really great to see you again.”
“Yeah for me too. Maybe I’ll see you around, cowboy.”
“I hope so.”
“Have fun guys, and Sam don’t forget the Trevi fountain,” Gabe called as Annie pulled away.
Annie caught her sister’s eye, grinning from ear to ear, “See, it’s not just me, everyone knows about wishing wells and destiny.”
She pulled off the four-lane highway following the signs, leaving the countryside behind as they arrived at the airport terminal with plenty of time to spare. She carefully merged with the congested traffic of fellow travelers who were trying to catch flights or arriving to pick up loved ones. Annie honked her horn as a Hummer narrowly missed her front bumper while cutting in front of them.
“Damn, that was close,” Darcy said. “Pull in anywhere you can find a spot, we can take it from there.”
“You guys are going to have so much fun. This is the trip of a lifetime. The only downside is that you will be missing out on our most beautiful time of the year here,” Annie said.
“I think I can handle that,” Darcy replied.
“Me too,” Sam said
“Yeah, I won’t waste my pity on either of you,” Annie said.
She managed to squeeze into a spot by the curb and put on her flashers. Jumping out for last minute hugs, and to unload their bags from the hatch, she suddenly wished it was her leaving instead of them. It was so hard to be the one left behind. “Make sure you call me after you land,” Annie said.
“I will. Take good care of my babies,” Darcy said, tearing up a little at the thought of leaving her three pit bull companions. They loved their Aunt Annie, but they would miss her while she was away.
“Don’t worry about a thing sis,” Annie said reassuringly, “They could be like most of the canines in similar circumstances, sitting in a kennel wondering what the hell happened—instead they get me as a roommate for a month.”
“I know you’ll spoil them rotten,” Darcy said.
“As if…” she said referring to their already spoiled existence.
“Okay then, you be good. Please be careful and alert. I’m not convinced that Bradley has given up on a reconciliation.” Grabbing the handle of her luggage, she pulled Annie in for one last hug.
“Will you quit worrying? Go and have the time of your life. You deserve this more than anybody, I mean it.” Annie said. She used her sleeve to wipe the welling tears away. “I’m going to miss you guys.”
“The time will fly, and before you know it, I’ll be back home bossing you around like always.” Darcy’s eyes were suspiciously bright, mirroring her sister’s.
“Come on babe, we’ve got to go,” Sam urged.