Page 71 of More Than a Fling
“You did?” Annie practically squealed in delight.
He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small wooden four-leaf clover and handed it to her. “It’s a clover,” he said.
“I see that—it’s lovely Slim, thank you.”
“Count of ya being Irish and all, and bringin ya luck, I kin paint it green iffin ya want.”
“No, I like it just as it is.” Annie slipped it into the front pocket of her jeans and impulsively hugged Slim. He stiffened up but didn’t pull away and that was a pretty good start as far as Annie was concerned. “I’m going to go find Gabe. He promised me that I could get on Midnight today.”
“Best iffin ya keep that good luck charm close then,” he said, grinning as he walked away.
Gabe was lunging Midnight when Annie found him in the indoor arena. It was a striking image. The powerfully built black horse, shining like obsidian and the strong virile cowboy in his element taming the beast. Gabe’s muscles bulged as he held the lunge line. He was shirtless, his back muscles defined and powerful. His jeans hugged low on his hips, his tan line showing slightly as he moved around.
Midnight noticed her before Gabe did, her ears suddenly pricking forward as she warily eyed Annie. Gabe brought her to a halt and motioned for Annie to approach.
“Here, why don’t you lunge her first, let her get to know you a little better. You’ve lunged a horse before haven’t ya?”
“Yes, I’ll give it a try,” Annie said taking the lunge line and rope from Gabe.
Clicking her tongue, she formed a triangle with Midnight, the line, and the crop urging her forward. Midnight immediately responded. She lunged in both directions then brought her to a walk.
“Good job, she trusts you,” Gabe said.
“I am in love with her already… actually, it was love at first sight,” Annie said.
“I know the feeling.” Gabe winked at her and she flushed at the compliment.
“I think it’d be best if I lead you around the ring after you mount, let her get used to you. I’m the only one who has ridden her.”
“Sounds good. I don’t want to rush her. I also don’t want to be tossed off if I can help it.”
By the end of the ride, Annie was trotting around on her own, Midnight completely relaxed under saddle. Annie cheeks flushed with excitement. She couldn’t keep the elation from her voice as she dismounted.
“She trusts me!”
“Yes, she does, you did great!”
“Gabe all of your work has paid off, she is a dream to ride.”
“That she is.” He suddenly looked glum.
“I guess success in this case means letting go; it must be hard,” Annie said.
“This one is gonna hurt,” he agreed.
She put her arms around him and said, “You’ll still have me to ride.”
He laughed out loud. “There is that. Let’s brush her and turn her out, then grab a bite to eat, how’s that sound?”
“Like you read my mind.”
A week turned into two and they began to establish a routine. For Annie, it seemed like a yearning she had felt for as long as she could remember was finally being satisfied. There had been no further vandalism or trespassing, so everyone began to relax. She and Gabe were thriving together. That was the best way she could describe it.
Something mystical and inexplicable was happening to them. Some might call it kismet or fate, destiny or fortune, whatever it was Annie knew how lucky they were to have found each other. She was slowly trusting it all. When the doubts crept in, she pushed them aside. Gabe had not given her any reason to doubt that he felt the same way.
* * *