Page 1 of Playboy Billionaire
Penelope Winters pressed her legs against Raven’s flanks, urging the mare into a rolling canter. Her long blond hair, windblown and tumbling around her shoulders, was in vivid contrast with the horse’s jet black coat.
The tension that had been her constant companion of late began to ease its grip. There would be no paparazzi lurking behind bushes or popping out of nowhere. This was her safe zone, no hidden agendas, just her and Raven in the endless wild beauty of Montana’s Big Sky Country.
She hand galloped most of the way back home, riding the final mile at a walk to cool down. Her ranch manager Walt Hardy was there to greet her.
“You’ve got company,” he said, his brow creased in a frown. He held her reins while she jumped down.
Her nose wrinkled. “Who?”
He snorted, “Your manager, Ms. Monroe.”
“Constance?” she said, eyes widening in surprise.
“Oh no!”
“That’s precisely what I thought,” he grumbled.
“Did she bring luggage?”
“Yep. Barked orders at Josie and me. I unloaded a suitcase that looked like it could hold pert near a month’s worth of clothing. She’s all settled in one of the guest cabins.”
“That woman had a determined glint in her eye.”
Penelope rolled her eyes. “When doesn’t she? We’ll see who’s the most determined. Wish me luck.”
A slow smile spread across his weathered face, the deep laugh lines around his eyes crinkling. “Always. Let me know if ya need me to escort her off the ranch.”
Penelope laughed. “As much as I hate to spoil your fun, I’m sure it won’t come to that. She really does want what’s best for my career. Thatisher job after all.”
“I s’pose. If ya ask me, her priority is to herself.”
Penny squeezed his arm, “You’re just protective and I truly appreciate it. Will you take care of untacking my girl?” She hugged Raven’s neck, brushing her cheek across the soft coat.
“Sure enough.”
“Thanks, Walt.”
He touched the tip of his cowboy hat, “Good luck. I’ll be around if ya need me.”
“I know I can always count on you.”
Penelope quickly ran her hands through her tangled hair then smoothed it down before tucking it behind both ears. Taking a deep calming breath, she strode purposefully toward the house. Her boots clomped loudly on the wooden porch, announcing her arrival before the screen door banged shut behind her.
Josie came from the kitchen wiping her hands down the front of her flour covered apron, with Penelope’s dog Archie at her heels. “I’m sure you’ve heard.”
“Yes, and I’m sorry you got barked at.” She leaned down and picked up her pug, who greeted her as if she’d been gone for weeks.
Josie nodded her head in the direction of the guest house. “She’s settling in. She said she had to make a few calls.”
Penelope grinned, “Let’s hope it takes her awhile.”
“That woman is pushy.”