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Page 3 of Playboy Billionaire

“Yes, and your lawyers agree with me. It would be sheer recklessness to back out only three weeks before you start filming. You would be blacklisted, no one would want to hire you in the future…too big a risk. You would lose a boatload of money; and more than likely you’d be sued by the movie studio. I’m afraid you have no choice.”

Penelope buried her face in Archie’s fur, holding him close, “I can’t! You don’t understand. I’m suffering. I’m burnt out. I’m grieving, I hate my co-star. It’s going to bomb at the box office. How can I put in a decent performance? I’m not all here. My heart just isn’t in it.”

“Yada yada yada. Suck it up buttercup. You cannot let Noah Davis ruin your career…Or any man for that matter. The public is rabid to see you and Noah reunited. Surely it’s not beneath you to use that to your advantage.”

“Wow, you’re sure missing the empathy chip. This is my real life, Constance. I’m not just tabloid fodder.”

“I’m your manager. I have to keep your eye on the prize even when you won’t…which by the way is your career. You’re hot right now. You must seize the moment. Whether you like it or not, you and Noah rode the wave to superstardom together. Your destinies are forever linked. Think of Miley and Liam, darling.”

“Yeah and look how well that worked for them.”

“This is your future. Acting careers are made and broken with the snap of a finger. Your mom wouldn’t want you to continue to grieve. The show must go on as they say. And for God’s sake, don’t throw it all away over a man.” Constance patted Penelope’s arm, as she pressed her point. “It’s a great script. All the Hollywood A-listers would give their right arm to have the lead.”

“They can have it.”

“Have you read the script again?”

Penelope nodded, “Yeah…itisgreat.”

“This could be the nextFifty Shades,darling. Trust me, once you begin, you’ll lose yourself in the character just like you always do. That’s what makes you great.”

She chewed on her bottom lip, “I suppose…”

She beamed at Penelope like a proud parent. “Good girl! Now that we have that settled.”

“You win…as always. Now I’m going to bed.”

“I’ll be leaving first thing in the morning. You’ve made the right decision. I know I may seem heartless, but its tough love. You’ll thank me later.”

“I hope so.” Penelope put Archie down and he happily followed her as she headed for bed. The minute she escaped to her room she deflated like a punctured balloon. She threw herself on top of the king-sized bed, buried her face in her pillow and sobbed. Archie rooted his snub nose in Penelope’s thick mane of hair, attempting to comfort her. Fourteen pounds of wiggling energy had her smiling through her tears.

“I guess we’ll be going to North Carolina whether we like it or not.” Archie looked at her with worry in his intelligent eyes, sensing all was not right in his mistress’s world. She kissed him on his cute little mug and tucked him against her as she burrowed into her pillow, her eyes already heavy.

The following afternoon, after seeing Constance off, she decided to take another quick ride. This time, she chose to ride Breeze. She could certainly use the attention and exercise. She bridled the chestnut mare then hopped on bareback. They rode for some time, her seat warm from the direct contact against the mare’s back. Their bodies moved like one, sensing and in sync with one another. When she reached the mountain-framed meadow she hopped down. She stroked Breeze under her thick chestnut mane. Her gaze took in the breathtaking grandeur of the mountains and wild grassy view. It never got old.

Taking a deep breath, she exhaled slowly. “It’s beautiful isn’t girl?” The mare nickered softly and rubbed her large head against Penelope’s chest.

The air was crisp and fresh, permeated by the scent of sagebrush, prominent after last night’s rainstorm. When she wasn’t in LA or on location filming somewhere, this Montana ranch was her sanctuary, the place she ran to anytime she felt overwhelmed. Here she felt connected to the bigger picture and it comforted her.

She walked Breeze to the stream’s edge for a drink. The spirited four-year-old Morgan pawed at the water playfully before dipping her head down to drink. The water rippled over the rocks and stones, soothing Penelope’s frayed nerves.

She could almost forget about the next project, only three weeks away. Almost. Constance had dashed her tiny remaining hope that she could get out of it. Unless a miracle happened, she was due on set in a seaside town in North Carolina the last week of August.

She pulled out her peanut butter and jelly sandwich and thermos of tea from her backpack, then plopped down on a rock to eat her lunch. Breeze nudged her impatiently and Penelope pulled out the apple slices she’d packed. The horse’s lips felt like velvet across her palm as they searched for the treat.

The mare nudged her for more. “You’re getting spoiled. I’m nothing more than your vending machine here.” She dug the last two slices out and Breeze quickly finished them off. As Penelope took the last bite of her sandwich, she imagined what it would be like to have a full year off from the bright lights. Hunkered down here in her fortress. This is what she needed most. Time alone, time to heal. She sighed,If only…


Griffin Bennett peered covertly at the cards he’d just been dealt and blew out his breath in disgust. His hand was so bad, it wasn’t even worth a bluff. He waited his turn so he could fold. Glancing down at his watch he was surprised to see that it was only one a.m. He’d give lady luck another hour to make it up to him. She was fickle and hadn’t given him any breaks at the table tonight…understatement…he was having an ice-cold streak.…down seventy grand, and he’d only bankrolled one hundred thousand.

On a whim, he’d made a spontaneous decision to fly into Vegas earlier this evening in the family’s corporate jet. His intentions had been to leave first thing tomorrow morning, however, unless his luck changed directions, he would extend his stay another night to try to recoup his losses.

The gorgeous cocktail waitress was flirting outrageously, making it abundantly clear that she’d be available for some after-hour socializing if he was interested. She’d been ogling him since he joined in the high-stakes poker game. Nothing he wasn’t used to. He was not only used to it, but he took it for granted. Women loved him. He’d always had his pick of beautiful women vying for his attention. He could have anyone, anytime he wanted.

He winked at the waitress and nodded his head, signaling he was ready for another bourbon on the rocks. Her eyes gleamed with interest, like a cat eying the canary. She exuded confidence and he was fairly certain that she usually captured her prey.

As she served his drink, she made sure to give him an eyeful of her cleavage. She was so close Griffin could smell her perfume, an exotic musky scent, applied a bit too heavily for his taste but what the hell. He could live with it.

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