Page 9 of Playboy Billionaire
“Look Brianna, this isn’t on you, it’s on me. It’s nothing you’re doing wrong. I’m just jaded. I’ve never lied to you and I’m not going to start now. You’re young, you’re sweet, you’re beautiful, and you’re too young to settle down anyway. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you…and by the sounds of things, you’re off to a great start on a successful career.”
She rolled her eyes. “Oh, and you’re sooo old. Besides who are you to tell me I’m too young? My parents were already married by my age.”
“Those were different times. There’s a world of difference between twenty-one and thirty…trust me.”
“I don’t care. I know what I want, and I want you.”
“And tonight, you’ve got me. I’m all yours.”
They pulled up in front of the club and the valet approached. “Hey Samuel. How’s it going?”
“Fine Mr. Bennett.”
Brianna’s eyes sparkled inquisitively as she asked, “Samuel, have you seen or heard anything about the movie that’s being filmed here on the island?”
His eyes darted left then right before he lowered his voice and said conspiratorially, “They’re here! Right now.”
Brianna squealed, barely containing her excitement, “Who is?”
“Noah Davis, Penelope Winters, that director Stewart somebody, and the head of the local chamber of commerce.”
“No way.” Brianna clapped her hands in excitement. “I hope I get to meet them. Noah Davis is so hot.”
“What about Penelope Winters? She’s a babe,” Samuel said.
Griffin grinned, “Good taste my friend.” He clapped Samuel on the back and handed him a fifty. “Careful with my baby.”
“You know it sir.”
The maître d’ greeted Griffin. “Good evening sir. Your table is ready. Would you care to be seated immediately or will you be having drinks in the lounge first?”
He arched a brow at Brianna. “You?”
Her eyes rabidly searched the lounge, hoping to catch a glimpse of Hollywood royalty. Her eyes suddenly widened, and she hissed, “There they are, over in the corner.”
Griffin rolled his eyes, “And? They have a right to their privacy Brianna.”
“Let’s sit here in the lounge and have a drink before we get seated.”
“Whatever you say.” Turning back to the maître d’ he said, “I guess we’ll have a drink in the lounge first.”
“Very good, Mr. Bennett.”
He grasped Brianna’s arm and steered her toward the bar. “You do know you’re staring, right?”
“They’re used to it.”
“Nobody else here is gawking.”
She stuck her tongue out at him. “Party pooper.”
Griffin ordered their drinks then allowed himself a discreet glance at the celebrities’ booth. The head of the chamber of commerce, Patrick Gregory, was waving at him trying to catch his attention.Great.Brianna was going to lose her shit.
“Do you know him?”
“Business connections.”
She elbowed him in the ribs, “What are you waiting for? He’s calling us over.”