Page 46 of A Tinsel Tale
Deacon laughs and cups his ear. “Sounds pretty domesticated. I hear the death knell on bachelorhood.” I flip him off and head out the door.
Iwave cheerfully at Dee and Caleb as they pull into the parking lot beside us. I’m so excited that we convinced the guys to come along. Nothing wrong with a day of shopping with my bestie, but I only have two more weeks here before I head back to Chicago, and I want to spend every second I can with Jamie.
Last night with Jamie, I felt like we’d taken another step forward… to where, I have no freakin’ clue. After a fabulous dinner we watched a Christmas movie then made leisurely love—in his bed this time, with the fireplace roaring and soft music playing. Jamie is such a romantic. I am still floating on a cloud of sensual pleasure from our lovemaking.
I jump out of the truck and run over to Dee, giving her a big hug. Clapping my mittened hands together I sing the first line ofJingle Bellsin an obnoxiously loud voice, just for the boys’ benefit. Jamie picks me up from behind in a big bear hug, lifting my feet off the ground. Dee looks adorable in her puffy down coat and long brimmed bucket hat. Caleb is smiling from ear to ear, looking as excited as I am.
I’m leaning against Jamie, his arms still wrapped snuggly around me as we talk shopping strategy.
“I have no agenda except for me and Dee’s big date, getting a burger and beer at Beers and Cheers after we’re done shopping,” Caleb says.
“We’re just here as eye candy and bag carriers,” Jamie says.
“Don’t you have any shopping to do?” I ask.
“I’m done,” he brags. With my hand in his, we stroll towards the quaint little downtown shops.
“I didn’t see any presents under your tree,” I say.
“Not wrapped yet.”
I look at him coquettishly. “Did you get me anything?”
“Are we exchanging?”
I bump him with my shoulder. “That’s fine, I saved my receipt.”
He stops and steps in front of me. “Give me a clue.”
“No way.”
“One hint.”
“No! You always guess. You spoiled my surprises every year. Not happening this Christmas.”
He cups his chin and looks skyward contemplating. “Hm, can I wear it?”
“See you guessed already… a muzzle.”
He laughs and we pick up our pace to catch up with Dee and Caleb.
The chamber has outdone themselves as usual. All the lamp posts are decorated with red, green and white lights to look like candy canes. There is an enormous Christmas tree in the center square with Santa’s workshop sitting next to it. It’s open every day through Christmas Eve offering pictures with St. Nick himself. There are musicians on selected street corners and in front of shops freezing their butts off for the cause. We stop and listen to a quartet playingDeck the Hallsand clap and cheer along with the small crowd gathered.
I point across the street to the pet store. “Let’s go there first,” I say. Everyone agrees, and we cross at the pedestrian crosswalk and enter the store. It’s packed with holiday shoppers. They have a table with cookies and hot cider for anyone interested. I grab a cookie for Jamie and me and I nibble on mine while I look at dog stuff. “Oh my God! Look, Jamie. This is perfect for Huxley,” I say holding up reindeer antlers.
“Um… no. I’m speaking for Huxley.”
I smirk and drop them in my basket anyway. “He’ll love them. Oh, and this collar!” I grab the green collar with bells and check for the size. “This one is extra-large. That seems right.”
Jamie grins. “Yep. We’ll know when he’s coming.”
“Now for my boys,” I say. I find two matching coats in plaid for Bruiser and Mags in their sizes and add them to my growing pile. “Now they’ll match Dad. Won’t they look adorable?” Next, I peruse the cat aisle and land on a sparkly red collar, with a dangling bell for Puss. She’ll probably hate it and exact revenge. Oh well… it’s Christmas. Cat treats, homemade gourmet dog biscuits, stockings for the mantle, and I think I’m set. I’ll deal with the horses when we go to the feed store.
As I’m checking out, Dee stands next to me oohing and aahing over my treasures. “The toy store is a couple doors down. Should we hit that next?” I ask. She smiles around a big bite of cookie and nods.