Page 108 of Filthy Few
“I never kidnapped my dear friend,” Ez says.
“Me either, pretty hard to take the lord's kid when we have been keeping our heads down and staying out of trouble as we were ordered to do,” Archer tacks on.
“Vox?” Hayze calls out.
“Yeah?” I answer.
“You don’t happen to have the fuckers kid, do ya?” I smirk at the smartass and shake my head.
“Nah, H, I do have the affection of his stepdaughter he was trying to force to marry his son so he could take over as the new lord. And then to force my girl to overturn the decree of Edmund though.” At my admission another round of shouts sound out around the room.
“I had no idea who she was!” Thomas snaps. “I want these six taken out of here, we will finish our celebration and then they will be dealt with later?—”
The doors behind us bang open again, forcing Thomas to snap his fat mouth closed. I try to look to see who it is but I can’t see past the fuckers behind us. I turn to Nova and the wide eyed look on her face has me tensing. Thomas even looks surprised and that doesn’t bode well for me.
Chapter Fifty-Six
I can’t believe my eyes!
She stalks toward us with a swagger only her brother can match—the way she looks is breathtaking. Her hair is tied into a high ponytail, the lady suit she wears hugs her curves perfectly and the fact she doesn’t wear a shirt beneath her jacket allows the swell of her breasts to be seen. Men part and allow her past as if they are in a trance. I can see Vox and the other’s trying to get a look at who has entered but they don’t get a chance to see her until she steps around them. Their wide eyes and unhinged jaws tell me this wasn’t part of the plan.
Vivian steps onto the stage and comes to stand beside Thomas, who just stares at her in confusion. She smiles but it’s dark and deadly. She reaches into her jacket pocket and pulls out a piece of paper, then leans around Thomas and hands itto David. He unfolds the paper and reads the contents before looking back at Vivian with a stumped expression on his face.
My friend places her index finger against her lips and winks at him before turning back toward the guys. The moment her eyes land on Ezekiel, her features pull taut and I see her stiffen.
“This is not the time for your childish antics, if you have come to say goodbye to your brother then so be it.” Thomas sounds like an entitled prick but Vivian doesn’t react, she just tsks him and shakes her head.
“For years I lived in fear because I knew what you and your crooked son were capable of.” Thomas opens his mouth to argue as members try to flee the room, clearly worried that their privacy is at risk with Vivian being here but she speaks, forcing them all to a halt. “I wouldn’t open those doors if I were you!” she taunts, heads snap toward her.
“Why?” a man with a bald head says who I recognize, he’s the district attorney!
“Because my security team has orders to stop anyone from leaving this room until I say so.”
“Your team?” Thomas scoffs and some men begin to laugh along with their lord but Vivian doesn’t take the bait.
“Vivian, get the hell out of here now!” Vox forces out but his twin just shoots him a cold look. Hayze and Archer stare at her with longing in their eyes but not Ezekiel, he hasn’t lifted his head to look at her once.
“Yes, my team. Isn’t that right, David?” The red-haired man just opens and closes his mouth without being able to utter a single word. “He’s clearly in shock given the new information he was given.”
“What information? This isn’t the time or place for games, little girl?—”
“Shut the fuck up, Thomas,” Vivian says in a tone I have never heard her use before. “You have had your time and now,you murdering son of a bitch, it’s time you paid for your crimes. Thomas Valerian is to be stripped of his title?—”
“You have no right to speak here!” Daniels, the stupid asshole, calls out. A fewyeah’sandthat’s rightfollow his speech.
“Well, it appears we have a few members to remove, David.” The man just gapes at Vivian.
Thomas reaches for Vi but she sidesteps him. “Touch her and I’ll fucking slaughter you!” Ezekiel roars. Vox darts his gaze between his sister and best friend a few times, a deep groove appears on his face as he tries to piece together what I already knows.
“She is not a member, remove these traitors so we may deal with this security breach,” Thomas says, but before the men can touch Vox and the others, Vivian cuts in.
“You are ordered to release them and stand the fuck down,” she shouts. Laughter breaks out but my girl doesn’t falter.
“Silence!” David screams, finally finding his tongue. “Release them,” he barks.
“What?” Thomas shrieks.