Page 16 of Filthy Few
“We can’t get rid of Nexus,” Hayze voices.
“No, but we can ice the cunt out. It’s time he learns we aren't friends. I’m sick of saving face, it’s time we show thesecocksuckers that we are not theirs to order around. No more trying to find a way out for my sister. We have the knowledge of their crimes, we just need to find a way to dismantle them from the inside and blackmail each of them until they agree to our terms.”
Chapter Eleven
“Nunu, are you sure you’re going to be okay on your own tonight?” I wince as I bend and retrieve my plate from the oven that my mom left me.
“Yes, Mom. You and Thomas just enjoy your night away. Nexus will be home in the morning.” I hope she can’t hear the loathing I feel toward that piece of shit in my tone. That fucker stood there against his car as three of the footballers beat my ass to a pulp until Vivian and Lenny showed up and saved me. I don’t know how I am going to explain the bruises that cover my body and face when she gets back tomorrow.
“Well, that’s the thing.” The hairs on the back of my neck raise. “Nexus won’t be coming back tomorrow.” The tension flees my body at her declaration. “Thomas has some important business meetings and he would like us to stay here for a week.”Hurt churns inside me, my mom is my rock and right now she is the only person I want but it’s not like I can let her see me this way. I want her to be happy and if I have to put up with this shit for a few more months before I can leave, then so be it.
“Then stay, Mom. I’ll be fine and Nexus and I can look after ourselves,” I say, trying to reassure her.
“Nexus will be joining us, Nunu. Thomas wants to introduce him to these men he’s meeting since he will be the one taking over for his father.” Relief and anger thrums through me—that little cockroach gets to spend a week with my mom while I’m stuck in this fucking hell hole! “I left the keys to the Jeep on the hanger for you, I don’t want you catching the bus anymore.”
“Mom, I don’t want Thomas spending that amount of money on me!” I abolish.
“I know but he insisted. He said he would feel better with you driving yourself around and not hitching rides.” I snort.
“Yeah, sure.” I sound bitter but I can’t find it within myself to care.
“Are you mad at me?” The air whooshes out of me.
“No, Mom, I could never be mad at you,” I mutter as I take the first bite of my beef casserole.
“I promise I will be back for Homecoming?—”
I cut her off before she can continue. “Don’t cut your trip short, I’m not going anyway.”
“Nunu, you have to go!”
“Mom, you know Waylen and I never attended any dances and I don’t plan to start now. Plus, he’s flying in, remember?”
“Oh my goodness! I totally forgot about that.” I roll my eyes. Mom and Thomas surprised me with this news last week. My new stepdaddy paid for my best friend's round trip ticket to join me next weekend. I sucked up my pride and thanked him for the gift.
“See, I won’t be alone, so stay and enjoy yourself.”
“Are you sure because I can come home?—”
“No, stay and have fun and plus, that gives me heaps of time with Waylen and you know I have missed him.” I spend another twenty minutes talking to my mom, it feels good talking to her. Since moving in with Thomas she and I haven’t had much of a chance to catch up or even hang out. When we say our goodbyes I clean up my plate and wince in pain. I take two of the pain pills Vivian left me and down them with a glass of water. Just as I am ready to leave the kitchen the power cuts out and I’m plunged into darkness. My breathing turns erratic for a minute until the power clicks back on. I sigh with relief and dash toward the front door to check it’s locked, I double check the back one as well just to put my mind at ease.
I head back toward the staircase at the front of the house and pause when I see an envelope sitting in the middle of the floor that wasn’t there a minute ago. Without overthinking it, I rush into the kitchen, grab the biggest knife I can find and return to the entryway. I dart my gaze around the area, keeping my wits about me as I crouch down and snag the envelope off the ground. I flip it over and frown at the sight of theTseal—like the one in my locker!
“Whoever you are, I am armed and dangerous!” I call out, waiting a few seconds and strain my hearing for any sound of someone being in the house, then look back to see the front door unlocked. I swallow in fear, whoever the fuck left this note behind must have snuck in when the power cut out, oh my God! I locked the doors which means I locked whoever it was inside with me. I quickly lock the door again and grit through the pain in my body as I take the stairs two at a time, rushing to my room. I slam the door closed, lock it and then shove a chair under the handle for good measure.
Sweat beads my brow and I swipe it away with the back of my hand, I turn on all the lights in my room, even my wardrobeand bathroom, checking every corner and under the bed just to make sure I am alone for real this time. I sent Waylen a quick text to tell him I will call him after my shower. I have avoided his calls all afternoon, knowing he is going to be asking questions when he sees my face and he is one person I can’t lie to. He can see through my bullshit without even trying. I wish I could rid myself of the feeling of being watched but I can’t, it feels like my skin is crawling and the only thing I can think to do is take a shower, wash away the day and pray that no more uninvited visitors make their presence known.
I feel somewhat better as I step out of the shower. I wrap my hair in a towel and wrap another around my body. I wipe the mirror to clear it of the steam and take a look at myself—my face looks like shit. The bruise on my cheek is more pronounced and the split on my lip looks better now but it still stings like a bitch when I move my mouth. I open my towel and inspect the bruises that mar my sides, I turn around and peer over my shoulder at the marks on my back and cringe. Not wanting to look further, I secure the towel around myself and step back into my room only to freeze at the sight of the blue-two horned masked guy standing in my bedroom like he owns the place.
“Seriously?” I shout, my anger overrides my fear and exhaustion at the sight of him. “I have had a shit fucking day and seeing you again after a week isn’t making it better. I don’t have a favor to ask and I don’t want to be in your debt, so please… just go.” I hate how defeated I sound but I’m way past caring what anyone in this fucking town thinks of me.
“A favor was granted.” My brows slam together at his declaration. I take the chance of seeing him in the light to really take in the carving of his mask. In the center of its forehead is a carving of a tree and a headstone on either side of it, a shiver runs down my spine at the sight. His hands are covered bygloves and the hoodie he wears covers the skin around his neck, exposing nothing. “A debt is not owed for that favor.”
I jerk back and shake my head to clear my thoughts. “What?”
He comes toward me slowly as if he is giving me the chance to flee should I wish to. I want to scoff at the thought. I have all the lights on in here and the door locked but it didn’t stop him from coming in from the balcony. He keeps a sliver of space between us when he stops, my breaths turn shallow at his proximity.