Page 24 of Filthy Few
“Fuck off!” I snap. Without a single word or a glance at my sister, he scurries off.
Vivi turns on me and places her hands on her hips with a scowl on her face.
“Vox, that was rude?—”
“I don’t care. Where the fuck is Nova?” Her brows slant and she cocks her head to the side studying me for a minute.
“Why?” The accusation in her tone is clear, I get her hesitation. It’s not like I have been her biggest fan and the fact Iam asking about her must seem weird but I don’t care, I need to know where she is.
“Just answer my question!” I snarl.
She pulls her phone out of her pocket, unlocks it and scrolls for a second before turning it toward me. My nostrils flare in anger at the picture Nova sent her. It’s a picture of her and a guy who has his fucking arm around her waist but it’s the quote below it that has my blood boiling.
My lover is finally here!
I snatch the phone from her and ignore her threats of kicking my ass as I send Nova’s contact information to myself. I toss my sister her phone and stalk off. I pull out my phone and bring up my message thread and shoot the little witch a text.
You want me to break your ‘lovers’ fucking jaw?
Little Witch
Who the fuck is this?
The guy who is going to break that cunts jaw!
I see three dots appear and then disappear a few times. I lean against the wall ignoring all the students as they breeze past me. I can feel them eyeing me but I pay them no mind as I wait for her reply.
Little Witch
The one and only, witch.
Little Witch
How the fuck did you get my number?
Not important. Where the fuck are you?
Little Witch
None of your business, asshole, now be gone. I got shit to do!
Answer me!
I wait for her reply but I see no dots so I fire off another text.