Page 34 of Filthy Few
“I will pay the price and repay the debt in full when my favor is complete but no harm is to come to my friend, okay?” The four of them share a look. Three of them grunt their agreement but two horns doesn’t move or even says a word. Resigned to my fate and knowing I have no other choice, I need to find my mom and figure out who the fuck I am and what Thomas is up to.
“Ask your favor,” two horns demands.
I dart my tongue out to moisten my lips and try to word this as best as I can because what I have to ask is more than a single favor. I decide to be honest and pray that they can help me, if not, I am royally fucked. The thought of not being able to get my mom back scares me beyond belief. If anything was to happen to her… I don’t know what I would do. I know without needing it to be confirmed that my mom is in danger because of me, it’s not a coincidence that from the moment I moved here that I have been getting letters from a long lost relative and these masked men have been hunting me
“Can you guarantee that what I am about to ask is going to be something you can achieve?” The four of them shake their heads and in unison they come toward us, leaving a foot of space between us and them. I feel so small and insignificant in front of these guys. To Waylen’s credit, he doesn’t back down or cower away.
“No favor asked is too much,” right horn answers.
“A favor asked is a debt owed,” no horns adds.
“We don’t play by the normal rules others do, your favor will be granted in full,” left horn says, even with the voice distorters I can feel the conviction in each of their vows.
“Ask your favor,” Two horns grits out.
“I need you to help me find my mom and take down Thomas Valerian.” For a moment no one speaks, not a sound is madeexcept for the wildlife in the wood. I begin to gnaw on my bottom lip, worried that they are going to deny me.
“What is the reason for this favor?” right horn asks.
“Is that a requirement that you must know the reason?” Waylen volleys back. When two horns attempts to step forward, I place my hand flat against his chest, halting his movements. I can feel the gazes of his three friends on us but ignore them as I focus on him. I lift my head and meet his angry gaze, the blue of his eyes is shrouded in darkness.
“Thomas has taken my mother out of town. He called me earlier and said she wasn’t coming home with him and Nexus.” He cocks his head to the side, not picking up what I’m putting down so I push on. “He knows I have been snooping through the house and he also knows… I have a guest every night.” At my declaration I see his eyes narrow into slits.
“Why were you snooping through his house?” no horns asks.
I keep my gaze on two horns as I answer. “I’ve been getting letters from a relative I didn’t know existed. I found proof that Thomas is a part of something called Haven Saints and I think… I think he covered up the deaths of my friend’s parents.”
Everything happens so fast I don’t have time to prepare for what is happening, one second we are standing there and in the next two of the masked guys rush Waylen and tackle him to the ground, then two horns has a hand around my throat and I’m slammed against the tombstone hard enough to knock the air out of my lungs as he and right horn get in my face. I’m trying to drag in air but failing thanks to the grip he has on me. I spy Waylen out of the corner of my eye struggling to fight off the two who are pinning him to the ground. I scream out as no horns punches him in the face knocking him out.
“Stop!” I scream.
“Shut the fuck up, witch, and answer me!” I shake my head and stare back at two horns with tears trailing down my cheeks.Through the haze of everything I must have missed his question so he asks again, “What proof do you have?”
My fighter instincts kick in replacing the fear I felt. “Tell me something,lover, why would you care so much about the deaths of Virgil Hatchett and Edmund Tempest?” I don’t wait for a response, I strike out and smack the mask from his face and instantly a sob tears free of me at the sight before me. Betrayal stings like a bitch, a part of me I guess always knew deep down but seeing it and knowing my suspicions were real are different.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Tears cascade down her cheeks as she stares up at me with an empty look in her eyes. The fact she figured it out has me respecting her a little but it changes nothing now that she knows the truth.
“Was this all a game?” she screams. My hold on her loosens slightly, she turns to Ezekiel and wills him without words to remove his mask. The instant he does she shakes her head. “I guess those two are Hayze and Archer?” I look over my shoulder to see both of them staring at her but neither of them remove the masks to confirm her suspicion.
“Where is the proof?” Ez grits out.
She snaps her gaze back to him, fire swirls in her eyes as she glares at my best friend. “Fuck you.”
Ez smiles cruelly. “He already fucked you enough for the four of us.” She sucks in a ragged breath at his words, I hear Arch and Hayze snickering behind us but they don’t comment. “Answer my question, Nova, I’m not fucking with you,” he roars, she doesn’t cower instead she just turns emotionless and voids her face of every emotion.
“What are you going to do, kill me?” She flicks her gaze to me as she says, “Fuck me until I plead for you to stop? Get me on my knees in front of your friends so they can watch me suck your cock just the way you like?” My nostrils flare as I grind my teeth. “You wanted me here to ask this fucking stupid favor, why? Was this the whole reason, so you could laugh in my face as I admitted I needed help? Was it all a fucking game to you?” she screams right in my face then shoves me back. I release her and allow her to shoulder past me as she makes her way toward her friend. “Get the fuck off him now!” The guys look at me and I nod. Both of them climb to their feet and step back, allowing her to kneel down beside Waylen. She strokes his cheek tenderly. “I’m so sorry I got you involved in this,” she whispers.
When she tries to pull him up, he begins to stir. I turn to Ezekiel, waiting to see what the fuck we are going to do next now that she knows who the fuck we are. Just as the fucker starts opening his eyes both of us place our masks back on, her knowing is one thing but having two witnesses is another thing. Getting rid of one body is easy but when two people go missing that is harder to explain.
“Nova?” he groans out as he sits up. She throws her arms around him and holds him close. The sight has me wanting to knock his fucking teeth down his throat but I refrain.
“Come on, let’s get out of here,” she says as she helps him to his feet. Before they take a single step I motion for Hayze and Archer to block them. Nova spins around and glares at me. “Enough! You are going to let us go, right now.”
“No!” Ez grits out, and before she can announce who the fuck we are, I step in.