Page 39 of Filthy Few
Trust no one!
Well, that letter doesn’t help me with shit but I guess at least I will finally be able to put a face to my secret letter writer. But something that doesn’t sit right with me is the fact he knows about theFilthy Few… How?
Chapter Twenty-Four
Spending Sunday with Nexus wasn’t my idea. Archer and Hayze knew he would be trying to push his weight around with her and in their weird attempt to try and help her, we kept him occupied all day. The fucker is so full of himself and has even planned a beach party on Saturday night for his welcome home celebration. All I want to do is break his teeth, seeing him standing there with Nova had me fighting with everything inside me not to snap his neck. I saw it in her eyes. She is terrified but has no other choice but to take what he and Thomas give.
I want to go to her and just see she is okay with my own eyes, but with the cameras inside the house I can’t risk it. Vivian texted her this morning and offered her a ride to school but she refused, saying she was riding with Nexus, which we all know was his idea not hers. Ez, Hayze, Arch, Vivi and I are standingbeside my Challenger Demon, it’s been a hot minute since I have taken this vicious bitch out for a drive and I decided today was the day. Students mill around us, trying to spark a conversation. Vivian doesn’t acknowledge any of them, instead she shrinks between Archer and Ezekiel and uses them as shields. Both my boys shift subtly to keep her from the view of everyone else. Every guy here wants her but it's the girls she hates most because they hate they can’t be her.
“Yo, it's Nexus and Nova.” I follow Tim's line of sight and sure enough Nexus’ Audi pulls up beside us, forcing everyone to move out of their way. I look past him to Nova to see her staring straight ahead but it's the hard set of her jaw that has me frowning. Nexus climbs out smiling and shakes hands with a few of the guys before disappearing around the car. A second later my brows raise and white hot fury surges inside me at the sight of him leading Nova around the car by a lead. She has a studded leather collar around her neck and it isn’t the fancy kind, it is literally a dog collar!
She keeps her head down, using her long raven hair to shield her face from everyone. I shift toward them only for Ez and Hayze to block me against my car.
“She has a part to play and so do we,” Ezekiel warns. I grit my teeth and glare down at them.
“You son of a bitch!” At the sound of my sister’s angry shout I spin around to see her storming toward Nexus. Archer reaches for her but she sidesteps him and gets right in Nexus’ face.
“Ah, Vivian, what an unpleasant surprise,” he snarks back.
“Fucking watch it,” I warn. Nexus rolls his eyes, brushing off my warning as he looks down at my sister who now has Archer plastered against her back.
“You needle dick bastard, get that shit off her!” Vivi screams as she reaches for Nova. Nexus raises his hand to push her away but Archer is faster, he has Nexus’ wrist gripped in his hand,then Ez is rushing toward them, pushing both Archer and Vivian back, sandwiching my sister between their bodies.
“You can fuck around with your sister but not Vox’s. You know the rules,” Ez snarls in a tone that has everyone bowing their heads. Nexus plays off Ez’s words with a laugh and shakes his head trying to play the part.
“It’s all cool, my man.” He turns to Nova and unclips the lead then pats her on the head. “Off you go to class, piggy.” Without lifting her head or saying a word she turns and heads toward the front doors. Nicole and her cheer bitches have their phones out snapping pictures and videos, teasing Nova who still won’t say anything or even look up.
“You are a fucking piece of shit, Nexus!” Vivian snaps before running after her friend. I shoot Archer a look telling him without words to follow my sister. He taps Ezekiel on the shoulder and the both of them go after the girls. Hayze and I grab our shit and head toward the gym but Nexus calls out, stopping us in our tracks.
“Don’t be late to lunch, you won’t want to miss the new tricks I’ve taught my piggy.” Everyone laughs, I say nothing and continue on to my first class.
“The shit we did to her wasn’t even this bad. He had her beaten, Vox, and now this. What’s he going to do to her next?” Hayze asks. I can hear the concern in his voice and that shit worries me more because he doesn’t care about many people.
“The favor she asked is one we can’t grant without the proof she holds,” I admit bitterly.
“We’ve never not been able to deliver.”
“I know. We need to find her mom, get her back and then she will hand over the proof. Once we have that we can take down the Haven Saints and Thomas and his little cunt of a kid,” I snap as we enter the gym and head for the locker room. We’re the only ones here but I don’t give a shit I needed to get away from Nexus.
“Okay, I’ll make a call to Tyler and have him start tracking their movements and see if we can locate her mom—” Hayze clamps his mouth closed as we enter the locker room and see Nova standing there.
“What are you doing here?” I bite out. She says nothing as she stalks toward us and slaps a black envelope against my chest and pushes between us to escape, but I snap my arm out and grip hers, stopping her escape.
She glares up at me. “Stay away from me, Vox, I mean it.” I hear the plea in her tone but the look in her eyes begs me to ignore her order.
“What’s he doing to you?” I find myself asking.
She yanks her arm free of my hold. “Nothing you didn’t do yourself, you just never put a leash on me.” Her words knock the air out of me. She flees the locker room, leaving us standing here staring after her.
“I think you just met your match.” I shoot Hayze a scowl before bending down and collecting the envelope off the ground. I flip over and immediately my breath hitches. “Dude…” Hayze breathes out. I flick my gaze to his and see the same look of shock on him that I feel inside at the sight of theTempestseal.
“Edmund,” I mutter. When we hear voices approaching I pocket the letter and move to my locker.
“We need to tell Ezekiel,” Hayze says as he opens his locker. I nod my agreement and end the conversation as the rest of the team comes barreling in. I shoot Archer a text to keep an eye on Nova in math class, I have chem with her next and Hayze has English with her this afternoon. Archer’s reply comes almost instantly, it’s a picture of Nova sitting in the back of the class with Nicole right in her face.