Page 48 of Filthy Few
“You still hit like a bitch,” he says through his laughter. I frown down at him, not understanding what the fuck he is doing or why he would push me to this point but the moment I register the silence of the room I get it. My face slackens as I take in the sight of my best friend sitting on the floor with my sister fucking straddling his lap as she checks out the split on his lip. The sight of her that close to him has my blood boiling, but given what he just did to take the heat off Nova I keep my mouth shut.
“You fuckers want something to talk about, huh?” Archer calls out as he stares down the room of nosy fuckers. Each of them drop their heads and claim their seats to eat their lunch. None of them would dare question us?—
“Oh my God, babe!” Ez groans as he takes a step back to allow Nicole past. She grips my face between her hands, acting concerned. Before I can tell her to fuck off, she is yanked back by her hair. A shrill scream tears from her as she falls to her ass in front of the whole school. “You fucking bitch!” she screams at my sister. Her friends rush forward to help her to feet. She tries to come at Vivian but Archer, Hayze and Ezekiel form a triangle of sorts around her.
“Try it and see what happens,” Hayze warns in a deadly calm tone, but the threat that laces his words can’t be missed.
“That crazy bitch just?—”
Nicole is cut off. “Call her that again and I’ll break both your fucking legs.” All eyes snap to Nova as she stands there glaring at the bitch. The dumb whore doesn’t know when to keep her mouth shut.
“Shut your mouth, piggy. Trash like you doesn’t get to speak.” Nicole flicks her hair over her shoulder like she just gave the best verbal lashing of her life. Her minions all jeer and start oinking but it's Nexus that garners my focus. When he grips theback of Nova’s neck, I see her wince in pain as he forces her to her knees.
“For that outburst you will be punished tonight.” Vivian pushes forward and bats away Archer’s hand when he reaches for her. I watch in horror as my sister lowers to her knees in front of the witch. Vi reaches out and cups Nova’s face between her hands and lifts her head to meet her gaze. The cafeteria has fallen silent and waits with bated breath to hear what my sister is about to say. Nexus’ jaw is locked, he knows if he tries anything or says anything to my sister I will say fuck it to the rules of the Saints and lay his ass out right here in front of everyone.
“Fight!” That one whispered word from my sister has a fire swirling in Nova’s gaze, I see the war inside her. Obeying that fucker goes against everything inside her but the threat of her mother’s safety forces her to go against every instinct inside herself.
“Yeah, fight for the next cock you suck,” Brandy says from beside Nicole. Everyone begins to laugh, snuffing the fire in Nova’s eyes out as she shakes her head subtly and lowers her gaze to the floor, forcing Vivi to release her. Not wanting all of these fuckers to see my sister crumble, I stride forward, grip her arm and haul her to her feet. She turns and peers up at me with unshed tears in her eyes.
“Help her,” she whispers low enough for only me to hear. I suck in a ragged breath.
“I am,” I say as I grip her hand and drag her out of there before we blow this plan to shit and I break Nexus’ jaw.
I missed chem today with Nova thanks to coach calling me and Hayze into his office and chewing our asses off for fighting. We all know he wasn’t going to bench us, we’re the best on the fucking team. We’re waiting in the parking lot for Nova. I check the time on my phone and glare at it.
“She should have been out by now and we have practice in ten minutes,” I grit out to the guys. The three of them scan the lot, Nexus’ Audi is still parked so I know she didn’t go home with him.
“Vox!” At the sound of Vivian’s panicked voice I spin around to see her running toward us. When she reaches us the guys crowd her which pisses me off. I shove them out of the way.
“What happened?” I growl.
“Nova left after lunch, she was cornered in the bathroom. Jefferson, Neil and Justin tried to…” She clamps her mouth closed, unable to finish her sentence but she doesn’t need to.
“I’ll kill them,” I vow as I try to step around my sister, but Ez stops me with a hand to my chest. I glare at him but the dark furious look in his eyes gives me pause.
“Go to practice, act normal and tonight theFilthy Fewwill dish out a just punishment for their crime.” Excitement courses through me at the prospect of releasing my pent up rage on these wannabe rapists.
“I never thought I would ever be so excited to know my brother is going to fight.” I cut my gaze to my sister.
“You don’t breathe a word of this shit to anyone!” I snap.
She rolls her eyes. “Who am I going to tell? Unlike you, I only have one friend and she is currently the school's main target. So, if you could end this shit fast so I can have my friend back, that would be amazing.” I shake my head and nod my head to Ez before Hayze and I make our way to practice. I look back over my shoulder and frown at the sight of both Archer and Ez with their hands on each of Vivian’s arms.
“You fuckers need to lay off touching my sister,” I snarl, Hayze shoots me a snide look.
“Yeah, sure thing, captain dick bag.”
“Don’t fucking call me that.”
“Why, because that’s Nova’s pet name for you?” I bristle at the mirth in his tone and clamp my mouth shut. His laughter only serves to grate on my already frayed fucking nerves. I don’t know why the witch is able to affect me the way she does but there is something about the she-devil that has drawn me in. Maybe it was the fact she saw me without really seeing me, while I was in the mask she admitted to liking me without knowingtwo hornswas me. She’s never hidden what she wants or been someone she isn’t, she has just been herself and something about that shit is fucking alluring and sexy as hell.
When practice ends I am fucking wrecked. Coach made sure we knew we fucked up with our performance and we paid the price for it. Hayze and I slip inside my car and groan.
“You owe me after that shit,” he grits out.
I screw my face up and look at him. “I don’t owe you shit.”
“The fuck you don’t! I saved your girl's ass from being eaten alive today.” I cringe when I see the split on his lip.