Page 11 of CEO's Baby Scandal
I nodded in agreement, and Evelyn excused herself to use the toilet before we left. We all came separately, so I didn’t worry about being lectured more in the car, though I was concerned Evelyn would run straight to my parents with the juicy gossip and they’d call me with their concerned parent act.
After we paid and said goodbye, I walked toward the metro line which would take me to my apartment. Daniel hadn’t pressured me at all. I thought I was the one who'd instigated things, which I knew would bring up a whole other level of gossip if people found out. Evelyn would assume, like my coworkers, that I was trying to sleep my way to the top, when in fact, I had no interest in climbing that ladder. I wanted to use my degree in business to help a company really grow, not stick around a law firm. I’d never be a partner, and that was what I wanted, to be at the top.
I swiped my metro pass and found a seat on the train taking me home, and my phone buzzed. I reached into my pocket to see a call from an unknown number had been missed, then a text came in as I was checking my notifications.
Unknown sender 9:17 PM: Your tits are so perfect, I want to suck them.
I read the message and froze. Who on earth could be sending me nasty things like this? I looked around the car as it started moving and covered my phone so people around me didn't see it, and the phone buzzed again. I looked down to see another message.
Unknown sender 9:18 PM: If I send you my address, will you come over so I can bury my cock inside you?
This one was worse than the previous one. It made me tremble to think someone had this number, or maybe it was just a prank, I didn’t know. I typed a message into the phone and hitSendas quickly as I could, then blocked the number immediately.
Emily 9:19 PM: Sorry. I’m taken already. Lose my number.
I sat back on the train, nervous. Very few people had my number at all, and I had no idea who it could be. The entire train ride, I felt hypervigilant, studying the faces of people around me on the train as if by examining them, I may discover who it was that had messaged me. I feared someone was following me too, so I called Charlotte to chat with her just to calm my nerves. The topic of Evelyn came up, though, which soured the chat.
“You think she’s going to make a fuss, call your mom like she normally does?” I could hear Charlotte eating again and wondered how she ate so much and stayed so thin.
“Yes, I absolutely think she will. It’s only a matter of time before my mom calls me to lecture me.” The train pulled into my station, and I rose and made my way off the train and up the stairs toward the exit.
“Gosh, well I’m here for you. I’m happy you met someone, and I really hope he’s not a loser. I hope it works out.” I could always count on my best friend to have my back.
“Thanks, Char. I’m going to go now. I’m just about to my place. Thanks for keeping me company.”
“You got it, babe. Call if you need me again.”
As I pushed the elevator call button, I resolved that I had to talk to Daniel about whatever this was that we were doing. I liked him a lot, and I wanted more than just office lunches and sex. I wanted to see where it went because I saw us having a real shot at something special. Besides, he wasn’t my direct supervisor. Olivia was. How could that affect my job?
Iheld down the button on the intercom, calling Jill, who responded immediately.
“Yes, sir?”
Chipper as always, her voice rang through the line clear. “Jill, I need you to get Olivia and come to my office, please.”
“Of course, sir.”
I leaned back in my chair, reflecting on the decision I had made. Emily was perfect as an assistant, but I wanted more time with her. Just seeing that couch where she and I had sex now more than ten days ago was a huge reminder of just how much I liked her company. We still hadn’t discussed the encounter due to my busy schedule, but we had fallen into a comfortable rhythm with work. She brought me coffee just the way I liked it, and I invited her to lunch daily. Twice, she spent her lunch hour with coworkers instead of me, which I encouraged in the name of her building relationships within the firm.
Now I waited for her boss to come and hear my new directions. The clock on the wall ticked seconds by, frustrating me that Olivia was taking so long to come at my call. Jill would have been here in a few seconds, but I gave Olivia the benefit of the doubt. As partner, she was likely busy with a client, which isthe only reason I would have considered worthy of making me wait. Everyone knew I was a hard man to please, Emily included.
When the soft knock came at the door, I called, “Come in.” Both Jill and Olivia knew to knock and wait for my call, which is something Emily would never do now because I’d given her free reign of my office.
“Sir, you needed to see me?”
“Both of you, yes.” Olivia nodded at my correction, and both women approached my desk. Jill had a pleasant look on her face, but Olivia looked perplexed, so I cut to the chase. “Tell me what you know about Emily Kline.”
Olivia’s brow furrowed and she glanced at Jill. “Well, Emily graduated magna cum laude from UC Berkeley with a master’s in business management. She was near the top of her class. She grew up in Monroe County, Illinois, in a small town. She has a small family and is new to the city.”
I could have known that all on my own. What I was interested in was tidbits about Emily she’d share with a coworker that she might not feel comfortable sharing with her boss, the CEO. “I’ve read her resume, Olivia. I mean, you’ve gotten to know her a bit. What is she like?”
“Uh, sir, we had lunch a few times so far,” Jill chimed in with a smile. “Emily is generous, and she has a mothering sort of attitude and wants to make sure everyone is taken care of and happy. She brings me a coffee every morning, and she makes sure to order it how I like it.”
“Ah, that’s good to know.” I thought she’d only done that for me, but I liked that she was as kind to everyone as she was to me. Though that brought some doubts to mind that her kindness toward me was more than just at a coworker level, and given her response to my text messages a few nights ago, I worried maybe she really was seeing someone else. “Go on.”